Why did god make anal sex feel so good if he didn't want us to do it?
Children are one of the best blessings from god to all people. God made sex feel so good so that you would want to have children, and so be blessed. Anal sex doesn't make children. Using it that way is just as bad as homosexuality, which doesn't make children, either.
Yes I understand but you didnt explain why god make it feel good to take it in the butt? Homosexuality would not be as prevalent if it didn't feel good for it to go in your butt.
God had hoped people would think a little on their own. You would think the creator of the universe would at least told us about how the universe and Earth were created. You would think he could have mentioned computers, nanotechnology, telescopes.
A cure for cancer and ageing would not hurt. He created 'everything' but somehow we have to do the heavy lifting by inventing computers, cars, airplanes, robots, space ships...
Where the fuck is 'God'? Playing golf and fucking those virgins that Muslims always talk about?
Nah, instead, he babbled something about 6 days and 6000 years old, flat Earth with a dome over it. Some Bronze Age God he is
Job 34:14,15:
14 If it were his intention and he withdrew his spirit and breath,
15 all mankind would perish together and man would return to the dust
God is right there with you and all of us in everything we do.
God spoke the universe into being.
God is in all the science and heavy lifting we do, right with us:
"Scientists Hack a Human Cell and Reprogram It Like a Computer."Anti-aging and eternal life: Psalm 39:1-7; Proverbs 11:30-34; Matthew 7:13-14; John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-10; Revelation 3:5-9; Job 14:14-16; 1 John 5:13-14; Ezekiel 40:1-5; Deuteronomy 9:5-7; there are many more.
The ironic thing is that God holds you in love, and makes it so that you can live and do everything you can do, and all you want to do is bad mouth Him, and push Him out of your life. Perhaps if you were a little more like Him, you would get the answers you want.