Your attachment is a realistic embodiment of the believer's mentality, which believes that it monopolizes the truth.
This is not the place to discuss the extent of the authenticity of the Christian narrative about creation and its causes, but all religions claim to possess this eternal truth and that all other narratives are erroneous, allowing room for nonsense difference that will necessarily lead to violence. The origin of religious violence is the ability of this system to operate outside the frameworks of reason and logic, and the further away we are from religion, the more inclined we become to harmony and peaceful coexistence. I really hope you realize this someday.
That's only because the attempt to be further away from religion is a religion in itself. Once this religion has become your position, you can go into other religions, like the religion of killing people through abortion, or the religion of making war on people of another country, or even the religion of becoming a thief and robber or swindler.
Pick your religion, but realize that even a religion of doing good to people won't last without God.