Scams are not limited to this forum, and people need to use their own good judgement in order to judge if something or someone is a scam.
This is true.
If there is a case of a specific warning not being obvious to someone giving scrutiny, this should be addressed. But blanket, generic warnings is probably unnecessary and may result in someone missing a specific warning about a potential scammer.
Is there some reason why telling new users that scams are not moderated/bannable on this forum is unnecessary? This is not redundant information. Something along the lines of, "WE DO NOT MODERATE SCAMS! SCAMMERS ARE ALLOWED HERE!"
How about any indication of where the forum rules may be located? As far as I'm concerned, you're just tossed into the snake pit and told that you're surrounded by Full, Sr, Hero, and Legendary members.
Thankfully, since people are given the proper tools to learn about the forum, they should take full responsibility for their foolish actions.
Hello I asked for Windows keys and a lot of scammers talk to me I will provide screen shots I hope they get ban
BAN this scammer
I think ban is appropriate here or at least a red tag from some respectable members.
ban this guy so I feel good, Feeling of being scammed is very frustrating
hope moderators and admins may look into this issue and make this guy ban here
already bhw forum banned this guy, i dont know why admins not taking this seriously , ellse a lot of members will get scammed by this guy Naober
hope admins/moderators solve this issue as soon as possible
Any Mod reading this, please ban him and investigate this issue, I believe this is the same person
Your casino should be banned on bitcointalk so others don't get scammed.
why is not banned yet|?
I cant believe this guy is not banned/deleted from bitcointalk yet !
The concept of not banning a scammer because "he will just come back" seems just very weird to me.
but I will not stop she is scammer I will proof it and will ban her account
My question here is:
1. Are scammers really welcomed in the forum to stay for long.
2. Other than having a RT (red trust) as a penalty, is there no other ways this scammers issues can be addressed for them not to return to the forum again.
I think bounty manager euclideum need to be permanent banned from bitcointalk community. [..] Banned his profile permanently as fast as possible.
"I don't understand why bitcointalk.mod still give you the right to post here Undecided this is very confusing! Is like they support your action." [..] I'm just saying why nobody ban him?
Please ban this man.
Are there any chances to ban them here? At least their fake accounts?
Why are such scammers not getting banned, despite multiple scam reports and proofs?
I supported the flag they cannot do it here they will get tagged reported and eventually get ban, but they keep doing it here thinking that they are going to get away with it, they keep recycling this thing when will they give up.
So the moment they are get caught and reported, they get banned. So it going to be a tough fight for all of us, but we can't just let these criminals run amok here.
It's funny that his account still works to scam everyone. Nobody here banned him?
Additional Notes: Broke ass i hope he gets banned asap
I have done many trades online on forums, I just did not really know how to proper check someone's account on this forum as I'm not that much on it, its really confusing for the new user. If it was a higher amount, I would of had used escrow for sure.
I wonder why this guy not banned here yet. HE IS SCAMMER DO NOT DEAL WITH HIM
people who are helping scammers like promoters, hyip sellers like you should also get tagged ban from this forum, you are all in one in making investors losing their hard earned money.
Why does a scammer with such a reputation keep posting links to auto purchases? newbies can easily fall for this trick, delete all his topics or block him, there have already been a lot of complaints related to him!
are you moderators here?
Pls ban that scammer or need my money back
Does anybody know what can be done , apart from a flag on their profile to get these bookies BANNED FOREVER from these forums?
Please BAN the User and delete the seller posts
Welp, I fell for this guy's scam. Attaching all the proof I have. Please ban the user if possible.
why this guy didnt got ban ? you said he have a lot negative feedback
Can some Bitcointalk Moderation help me even ban him from here if he is going to act the way he tried to do yesterday with me
I will request to Moderator. banned this scammer from this Forum
I'm not asking for the banning of scammers. Though, some people are... and their confusion could be easily cleared with a simple message, don't you think?