I will chime in. I was an audio freak. So in the 1990's I put in lots of wiring in my home. (Who knew)
I live in Howell NJ USA. My home was built during the Vietnam War around 1971. The USA had a copper shortage and some homes in and about the country were built with aluminum wiring not copper. This turned out to be a big fire hazard and many home owners had to retro fit the wire to copper or use special (magic for lack of a better word) outlets that secured the aluminum wire to the out correctly.
New Jersey has the best state laws for wiring you own home.. No electrician is needed or required as long as it is your home that you live in. Just go to your town hall and pull the permits.
So I pulled the permits and pulled every fucking piece of shit aluminum wire out of the house. I replaced every wire with copper and I put in 6 extra circuits for home theater and gear in the shop.
I was afraid to do any 220 wiring so only my central ac is 220. It was the only copper wire in the house.
I did call in an electrician to pull the 100 amp service and upgrade to a 150amp service.
All my circuits use 10 gauge not 12 gauge. Over fucking kill but when you do all the labor yourself well before copper got expensive why not.
So my garage has 6 separate circuits . One is for the furnace /ac fan. One is for the ac compressor the only 220.
The other 4 can all be 20amp 120 volt since they are 10 gauge, but they are all 15amp breakers.
I can run 4 x 1440 = 5760 watts 24/7/365 no issues or worries. About wire overload. I do push to 4500 watts in the winter. When it is hot I go down to 2400 or 2000 watts.
Right now 6 ants pulling 2400 watts hashing 1.2th seventh one comes today. A 12 piece gridseed & 30gh btc in usb sticks pulls 180 watts.
so 2600 plus 400 when I setup my seventh will have me at 3000 watts.
I will lower that to 2000 watts when the heat is too much by undervolt and under clock.
I only buy good psu's with long warranties.
Evga 1300 watt super nova with 10 year warranty
Seasonic 1000 plat with 7 year warranty
seasonic 1200 plat with 7 year warranty
seasonic 760 plat with 7 year warranty
my cheap psu is this
http://www.antec.com/product.php?id=704513&fid=11Since I am going long term
fuck the loud cheap power hunger dell server shit shock hazard garbage purchased second hand on ebayAll my gear is shock resistant and safer.
All my psu's have worth beyond mining.
All my psu's get better power ratings then the dell's
Now if you wire your gear with 220 volt please ignore my rant about the dells as they do better with 220 volt power.