
Topic: [Results 2023] Bitcointalk Community Awards 🏆 (Read 1080 times)

Activity: 3
Merit: 0
hero member
Activity: 812
Merit: 619
Congratulations to all members whos name available in the first OP page(received at least 4 votes) especially those who won the prize. I have voted after research on each title and then choose names very carefully so that I pay the full right of vote..Now I happy to see that most of them won the first place or at least third place.

Which display name will look better? Royse777Ninja, Royse777_777esyoR? I may consider updating the display name again :-D

First of all congratulates for third 🥉 position (hoping for 1st next year). I think the first one is looking better.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 1065
Crypto Swap Exchange
Thank you all for participating! And thanks for the invitation!

We were very pleased to act as a sponsor, and in the future we hope to be directly involved in such events more often!

Thanks again for sponsoring this event!
It's a luxury to have prizes like these, so big ups to you!
Activity: 65
Merit: 65
Thank you all for participating! And thanks for the invitation!

We were very pleased to act as a sponsor, and in the future we hope to be directly involved in such events more often!
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
Yeah, my merit-to-post ratio probably screws me out of merit sometimes. I remember once sending a PM to TSC (TP back then) asking for his advice about a post of mine that didn't get merited. I think I even asked him (paraphrasing): "Do you reckon some people think: Fuck that guy, he has enough already!".

Yet every once in a while my merit finger hand is forced and I am compelled by a higher force to give you merits; same thing goes with LoyceV & o_e_l_e_o; I resent having to give them merits but I do it anyway because its beyond my control.
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1089
Goodnight, o_e_l_e_o 🌹
Congratulations to the winners. I am happy that some of my candidates made it in the category that I voted them. Hhampuz, fillippone and others, congratulations. Also, symmetric got the anti hero spot.
Congratulations to everyone who won, and got at least one vote! I hope to see some new names in the coming years! Massive fan of the yearly results, as it really does tend to get the community together, and encourage some positive results for the community.
Hardly new names emerge here, except for the discovery of the year. Maybe a space for Leo would be occupied by another person next year.
Meanwhile, it has been long I saw Welsh. It's been years and I began to wonder why I don't see you anywhere again or was it me that was hiding?
I remember my newbie days, you were correcting my newbie mistakes and also dropping me merits and you became one of the names I memorized fast.
hero member
Activity: 510
Merit: 4005
Thank you again for asking this question. And, as icopress already said, maybe next year you can give a hand of help too?  Wink
Sure. If it turns out I'm right, then I'll help next year. If it turns out I'm not, then you don't need my help. Cheesy

Thanks for that really nice post, man; it made me smile! Yeah, my merit-to-post ratio probably screws me out of merit sometimes. I remember once sending a PM to TSC (TP back then) asking for his advice about a post of mine that didn't get merited. I think I even asked him (paraphrasing): "Do you reckon some people think: Fuck that guy, he has enough already!". Grin (I do appreciate getting merit, and I like having sMerit to spend, so don't be too stingy with me, yeah? Same goes for the rest of you tight-fisted bastards.) Tongue

Let me know if I can make you a special Bitcoin NFT to commemorate your achievements; you might not be able to sell it for anything, but its the best I can do.
Hmmm... a minted-by-nutildah PowerGlove NFT? Are you trying to set me up for an early retirement? I mean, that'll be worth a fleet of Lambos in a few years' time!! (In all seriousness, thanks for the kind offer, I appreciate it, but your post was more than enough for me.)
Activity: 1680
Merit: 6524
Fully-fledged Merit Cycler|Spambuster'23|Pie Baker
Activity: 2758
Merit: 6830
Honestly don't have much to say other than thank you to @icopress for his contributions to keep the forum going. I can't really imagine all the work you put on to keep this forum as active as it can be, year by year, while trying new stuff. And also a big thank you to everyone who voted for me and, once again, made me win the Ninja award (or else I would be dishonored by my guild!). Smiley

Thank you Jambler for helping on the prize pool (already received my award!).

Congratz to my local board friend @joker_josue on his Discovery award + being a certifed fellow ninja. Very deserved.

And finally, nice to see everyone mentioning @o_e_l_e_o who will sadly not be active here for the next events. We will miss a great forum member.
Activity: 1456
Merit: 5874
light_warrior ... 🕯️
It seems we now have a candidate to count the votes in the upcoming event (I think GB will be just happy to get rid of the work that takes several days .. all he has to do is publish the results). In any case, if someone wants to appeal any results, they can do so next year.  Wink
sr. member
Activity: 1316
Merit: 356
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
I count 15 "Discovery of the Year" votes for me (not 14)

I should have fired up my 1,045 alt accounts to vote for you as you were definitely the discovery of my year, friend. Your level of not just technical knowledge but also passion for improving the forum supersedes that of just about anybody I've ever encountered here. The only thing negative I have to say about you is I have a hard time giving you merits because your merit-to-post ratio is already insane, and deservedly so. My hesitancy probably reflects more about me than you.

In any case, cheers. Let me know if I can make you a special Bitcoin NFT to commemorate your achievements; you might not be able to sell it for anything, but its the best I can do.
hero member
Activity: 510
Merit: 4005
Big ol' speeches should be for the people with 1st-place finishes, so I'll just say: Thanks to everyone who voted for me (really, it makes me smile), and congratulations to all the winners!!

@o_e_l_e_o: We really miss you. I hope you're happy/comfortable wherever you are. You'll be remembered fondly around here for a very long time. Cry

@icopress: Thanks for organizing this yet again, you're awesome, man! Smiley (And thanks for sending my prize to derBowler, another awesome dude.)

@GazetaBitcoin: Were you responsible for counting the votes? If so, thanks for helping icopress (seriously), but I have to ask: Were you maybe drinking on the job, friend? Too much plastic-bottled wine? Tongue (The reason I ask is that if I count the votes myself I get slightly different results than yours. Maybe I'm drinking too much, I don't know; see below.) Wink

I count 26 "Bitcointalk Ninja" votes for me (not 27): NotATether, Woodie, criptoevangelista, dkbit98, jeraldskie11, nakamura12, Charles-Tim, SatoPrincess, Husna QA, Nheer, joker_josue, Lafu, AHOYBRAUSE, julerz12, Jawhead999, m2017, Amphenomenon, TryNinja, sabotag3x, Ambatman, Foxpup, famososMuertos, LoyceV, FatFork, Potato Chips, darxiaomi.

I count 15 "Discovery of the Year" votes for me (not 14): Lillominato89, Crypto Library, 2Pizza410000BTC, Bitcoin_people, Peanutswar, wmaurik, nakamura12, hosseinimr93, nutildah, BlackHatCoiner, $crypto$, Compromise me, Coin_trader, lovesmayfamilis, GazetaBitcoin.

Hopefully, I'm just missing some detail/rule, because if the first two things I check are wrong, that usually means there'll be more mistakes if I keep looking. These two mistakes are small, and they wouldn't have affected my outcomes, but maybe a more thorough check will reveal outcome-changing mistakes for other users. (I don't have the time to do that myself, and I hate to create more work for you or anyone else, but I had to mention it.) Undecided
hero member
Activity: 462
Merit: 767
Instant cryptocurrency exchange with own reserves!
Thank you Icopress, GazetaBitcoin, and whoever was involved in organizing this community award. I never expected to be nominated among these legends. Even though I didn't win anything, thanks to you guys who nominated me. I consider this as an achievement. It will encourage me to be more active and contribute to the forum. Congratulations to the winners of each category. Farewell friend LEO. You will be missed buddy! I know a lof of forum members still did not notice your absence. Probably because they have not seen your thread yet. You will always be in our memory!
Activity: 2800
Merit: 2736
Farewell LEO: o_e_l_e_o
Oh yeah, I've still got it. 🦊
Bitcointalk Sex is an illusion 🤣
Activity: 3290
Merit: 16489
Thick-Skinned Gang Leader and Golden Feather 2021
maybe in the future this ban will be lifted !!
That will no doubt happen right after the introduction of KYC.

Here's a challenge:
I wish that more work was being done on creating decentralized, uncensorable, but also usable forums. I would love nothing more than to be able to shut down due to some decentralized solution making it obsolete. Find me a 501(c)(3) nonprofit working on this, and I'll donate to it.
hero member
Activity: 1834
Merit: 879 ⚔️Crypto Futures
Event of the Year and Fail of the Year results show how much of an impact "the news" of the "ban" on the forum had..but what the heck we take the news with a pinch of salt and move on, maybe in the future this ban will be lifted !!

Otherwise great competition it was and some names proving to be undisputed in their categories and don't see this changing anytime soon.. all in all congratulations 💐🥳🎉 🎁 to all those that emerged has winners.
Activity: 84
Merit: 57
My sincere congratulations and love to all the selected. Looking at you from a small, quality account, I wish I was in the same position now. Anyway, I am very happy to see your achievements.
Activity: 2212
Merit: 7064
Here is a picture of yours truly, doing what he can do best: cheering, having a joyful smile, drinking beer and baking pizzas.
Un anziano!
You are getting older rapidly  Shocked
Maybe because of pizza&beer combination overdose.

Congratulations to everyone who received most votes and rewards, you deserved it and you will not be forgotten.
Big thanks to icopress for supporting yearly community awards.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 7065
Congratulations to all the winners, you guys deserved it!
It's sad that o_e_l_e_o is no longer with us, can't accept his award, and probably doesn't even know about it. The technical discussions will never be the same!

Big thanks to all the winners and a special one for o_e_l_e_o.
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