You'll forgive me, I hope, if the feelings of crankiness you're managing to generate show through a bit here...
Fair enough, we certainly wouldn't be able to meet SEC requirements if this were a traditional security...
This has nothing to do with meeting SEC requirements; it has to do with satisfying the barest minimum of demonstrating an accurate grasp of basic concepts.
As for your first point, we agree with what you are saying which is why we've tried to make it clear that we cannot give a number for what returns are going to look like...
Here again, this has nothing to do with giving a specific number for returns; it has to do with spouting acronyms in a nonsensical context and either 1) not knowing what they mean, or 2) hoping that nobody else knows what they mean.
...if you think you know a good way to re-state what is trying to be conveyed then feel free to share.
Of course I do, but I do not provide free consulting in this sort of context.
...overall we have a more traditional background in finance and investing and still often use various term's traditional definitions rather than the btc community definitions. The traditional finance definition of short means borrowing a security/asset from another party...
Wow, now you're just insulting people's intelligence while simultaneously looking silly.
You are talking about a BTC-denominated "investment". When you sell BTC out of the coffers of a
BTC-denominated investment, you are liable for ultimately
replenishing those coffers with BTC. The equity of that BTC-denominated investment is -- shocker -- valued in BTC. You don't get to put USD equities, USD loans to friends, and fluffy white kittens on the balance sheet and just value them however you want to value them --
you value them in BTC. This has nothing to do with special "btc community definitions".
Since you've steadfastly avoided the question of how you intend to hedge your short positions in BTC, all while insisting that you're not really going to be short BTC at all, you might enjoy the article "
How to Lose Money with a Bitcoin Investment, Part 2: The Unhedged Short". Or even "
How to Short Bitcoin -- Without Just Being Silly".