
Topic: Revelation Prophecies: Global Citizens? NWO? JADE HELM 15= UWEX 16? CERN? - page 48. (Read 121543 times)

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Conspiracy Theory about Tianjin explosion...

Video: China and America already at war: Tianjin explosion carried out by Pentagon space weapon

China and America already at war: Tianjin explosion carried out by Pentagon space weapon in retaliation for Yuan currency devaluation... Military helicopters now patrolling Beijing

The Tianjin explosion was waged as an act of "kinetic retaliation" by the Pentagon in response to China's currency war Yuan devaluation, according to dissident sources from mainland China. The Chinese government has put in place unprecedented secrecy surrounding the mysterious explosion, and aggressive police state tactics are now being invoked to control the flow of information surrounding this event.

"Last week's explosions sent massive fireballs into the sky and hurled burning debris across the industrial area at the world's 10th-largest port, burning out buildings and shattering windows kilometres away," reports the Daily Mail UK.

The Chinese government's official explanation for the explosion, which has now killed 114 people, is a complete whitewash. China is going to declare regional martial law in the next 18 days, Natural News has learned, in order to exercise total control over the movement of people and information. The government has banned reporters from entering the area and has begun arresting bloggers who promote what the government calls "conspiracy theories" regarding the cause of the massive explosion.

China has blacked out reporting on Tianjin in exactly the same way the U.S. media blacked out reporting on Dr. William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower who admitted the CDC buried evidence linking vaccines to autism. In both China and the United States, when the government doesn't want the citizens to know something, it censors the story across the entire state-run media, invoking "information totalitarianism."

Both before and after the massive explosion, the Chinese government has been flying "black helicopters" in formation across Beijing. (Update: Previously, this article stated the helicopters began flying after the explosion, but we have been corrected on this point, as helicopters were witnessed in the sky in the days before the explosion as well.) Chinese dissidents took numerous photos of these helicopters and were able to deliver these exclusive pictures to Natural News:

A warning shot from the United States: Don't crash the dollar or sell our debt
Chinese dissidents have told Natural News they have reason to believe the attack on Tianjin is a warning shot from the United States, which is terrified that China is on the verge of announcing its own gold-backed currency while declaring a fire sale on U.S. debt holdings.

The actions would collapse the U.S. dollar and destroy the U.S. economy, sending the United States into economic freefall. The "Rod of God" weapon deployment by the U.S. Pentagon, we're told, was America's "shot across the bow" to send a powerful warning message to China while disguising the attack as a domestic chemical explosion.

Timeline of events: China devalues currency, then Pentagon strikes in mere hours
Consider the calendar of events in all this:

August 11, 2015: China devalues the Yuan by 1.9%, sending "shockwaves" around the world and setting off a "devastating" impact to the U.S. economy.

August 12, 2015: Tianjin struck by Pentagon's secret "Rod of God" weapon, a space-based top-secret kinetic weapon that can be dropped from high orbit to strike almost any land-based target. The weapon instantly destroys six city blocks on the edge of the city of Tianjin, sending a message to China that's eerily similar to the message sent by the United States in the dropping of the world's first atomic weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II. (Yes, the USA is willing to drop weapons of mass destruction on civilian populations. It has already done it twice!)

(For those following the Shemitah, the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan also occurred during a Shemitah year, in the month of august, 1945, exactly 70 years ago. This is precisely TEN Shemitah cycles ago, or what might be called a "deca-Shemitah.")

August 16, 2015: Obama issues stern warning "...about the presence of Chinese government agents operating secretly in the United States," reports The New York Times. "And it comes at a time of growing tension between Washington and Beijing on a number of issues: from the computer theft of millions of government personnel files that American officials suspect was directed by China, to China's crackdown on civil liberties, to the devaluation of its currency."

The Pentagon's secret space-based weapons
The "Rod of God" weapon consists primarily of a kinetic weapon arriving with unimaginable kinetic energy... more than a small tactical nuclear weapon, in fact, giving it the appearance of a tactical nuke.

U.S. websites are now speculating that the Tianjin explosion was a U.S. space-based weapons test involving a "Rod of God" weapon dropped from orbit. "The [resulting] lake [crater] in China proves a 5 kiloton blast, possibly nuclear or possibly from a space based 'rod from God' (pictured to the left) weapon [was] deployed by the space plane," says The Unhived Mind.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
See Stunning Visual of Rare Galaxy Collision

" A rare collision of two galaxies led to a beautiful, vibrant image, resembling fireworks.

This celestial system was caused when two galaxies of similar mass collided, according to the Royal Astronomical Society. "

" The shockwaves formed compressed pockets of gas emissions, which then illuminated the system with vibrant, intense colors -- like a Catherine wheel firework.

Astronomers nicknamed it "Kathryn’s Wheel" -- after the firework, and also after the wife of one of the team's lead professors, according to the Royal Astronomical Society.

The galaxy is 30 million light-years away, which is considered relatively close, the Royal Astronomical Society said. "

The Revelation in the Bible covers all time in its explanations of things. Probably the war in Heaven talked about in the Revelation is something that happened before the fall of mankind, even though it is used to explain and make predictions about the end-times. Kathryn's Wheel might merely be the results of a head-on collision between one of Michael's warrior angels, and one of Satan's.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
We have been interpreting, incorrectly, the part where Jesus says, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it shall be at the coming of the son of man."

Everyone wants to consider that this means that people will be going on with their lives in whatever ungodly, unfaithful way that they have lived in the past. But it means more than that. Here is what it means.

Graham Hancock and others have determined that Antarctica (the South Pole) is really Atlantis. There was a great crustal shift in the earth back at the time of Noah's Flood. Atlantis didn't sink. It simply shifted south -

Nowadays we are scientifically finding out all about Atlantis, even though the governments of the world that are doing the direct research are keeping a lot of the info quiet.

Atlantis is coming back. "As in the days of Noah..."


I believe the things people can't explain, like how did the pyramids get built, the knowledge came from the fallen angels and/or Nephilim. So when he asks about where did the map come from, that would be my thought. This completely correlates to the days of Noah. Because if you read the book of Enoch, the days of Noah were the fallen angels down on Earth corrupting people and showing them new technologies, like mirrors, which led to more sin, like pride in looks. It seems to me the days of Noah will be used to cover many things, one of which is the influence from Nephilim and/or fallen angels, but also will include people falling away and worshiping idols, and ignoring God.

The info is in Atlantis, the continent of the fallen angels made flesh. It is being mined right now, and probably has been for several decades.

Probably we won't thaw Antarctica out. But the knowledge of the fallen angels will still be retrieved and used. It might be the stuff that brings Satan back up from the abyss (death) for a season.

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: "DEAD FISH" Mexico The Hosea Prophecy

Hosea 4:2 There is swearing, deception, murder, stealing and adultery. They employ violence, so that bloodshed follows bloodshed. 3Therefore the land mourns, And everyone who lives in it languishes Along with the beasts of the field and the birds of the sky, And also the fish of the sea disappear.…

Lake Cajititlan: Fish die off in large numbers - They say it's natural and not odd. But this is not the only instance. "The fastest decline among the animal populations were found in freshwater ecosystems, where numbers have plummeted by 75% since 1970." (link)

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
See Stunning Visual of Rare Galaxy Collision

" A rare collision of two galaxies led to a beautiful, vibrant image, resembling fireworks.

This celestial system was caused when two galaxies of similar mass collided, according to the Royal Astronomical Society. "

" The shockwaves formed compressed pockets of gas emissions, which then illuminated the system with vibrant, intense colors -- like a Catherine wheel firework.

Astronomers nicknamed it "Kathryn’s Wheel" -- after the firework, and also after the wife of one of the team's lead professors, according to the Royal Astronomical Society.

The galaxy is 30 million light-years away, which is considered relatively close, the Royal Astronomical Society said. "
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
We have been interpreting, incorrectly, the part where Jesus says, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it shall be at the coming of the son of man."

Everyone wants to consider that this means that people will be going on with their lives in whatever ungodly, unfaithful way that they have lived in the past. But it means more than that. Here is what it means.

Graham Hancock and others have determined that Antarctica (the South Pole) is really Atlantis. There was a great crustal shift in the earth back at the time of Noah's Flood. Atlantis didn't sink. It simply shifted south -

Nowadays we are scientifically finding out all about Atlantis, even though the governments of the world that are doing the direct research are keeping a lot of the info quiet.

Atlantis is coming back. "As in the days of Noah..."


I believe the things people can't explain, like how did the pyramids get built, the knowledge came from the fallen angels and/or Nephilim. So when he asks about where did the map come from, that would be my thought. This completely correlates to the days of Noah. Because if you read the book of Enoch, the days of Noah were the fallen angels down on Earth corrupting people and showing them new technologies, like mirrors, which led to more sin, like pride in looks. It seems to me the days of Noah will be used to cover many things, one of which is the influence from Nephilim and/or fallen angels, but also will include people falling away and worshiping idols, and ignoring God.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
We have been interpreting, incorrectly, the part where Jesus says, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it shall be at the coming of the son of man."

Everyone wants to consider that this means that people will be going on with their lives in whatever ungodly, unfaithful way that they have lived in the past. But it means more than that. Here is what it means.

Graham Hancock and others have determined that Antarctica (the South Pole) is really Atlantis. There was a great crustal shift in the earth back at the time of Noah's Flood. Atlantis didn't sink. It simply shifted south -

Nowadays we are scientifically finding out all about Atlantis, even though the governments of the world that are doing the direct research are keeping a lot of the info quiet.

Atlantis is coming back. "As in the days of Noah..."

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Morgan Freeman’s step-granddaughter ‘exorcism’ Sacrifice Ritual Conspiracy EXPOSED AND EXPLAINED!

The media is portraying this guy as a Christian trying to give an exorcism, instead he has nothing biblical on his facebook/sites, and was screaming "Jesus is risen", acting like he was Jesus, not performing an exorcism.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
found something disturbing while browsing.


The first rainfall to wash over Tianjin since a series of blasts struck a warehouse in the Binhai district last week has sparked a new wave of concern as an unidentified white foam has appeared on the streets. Some who made contact with it are reporting a burning sensation on their face and lips, while others are reporting a stinging sensation on their arms. Some have said they experienced an itchy sensation, according to a NetEase News report.

also see

Poison Rain Feared In Tianjin As Death Toll Rumored At 1,400

"But while software has changed, the world has been changing around it. Corporate clouds aren't as secure as they once were, and we've seen them compromised by government spies and Redditors alike. Last year, Microsoft chased down an in-house leaker by peeking into a private blogger's Hotmail account, offering profuse apologies after the fact."

"In the weeks after its release, Windows 10 users have noticed something strange — it's always phoning home. Last week, an Ars Technica investigation found Windows computers sending data back to Microsoft servers even after services like Cortana and OneDrive had been disabled, in one case even sending back a message as soon as users hit the Start button."

Like privacy? Don't upgrade, instead switch to a new computer OS, or keep your hands off your computer altogether.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Deuteronomy 18:9 When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. 10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. 11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

The reason these things are outlawed is because those who do these things are either making it up to swindle money or are using evil spirits to produce the results they want. The world is filled with people who have gotten help from these people who practice divination etc, and then later been inflicted with worse. It's because they're asking for help from the things causing the trouble, and then they're free to cause even more trouble because they asked for it, versus praying and going to God for help with things.

Christians should have nothing to do with anything that promotes magic. It's a harsh reality. People think there's no problem in it, but as no one has argued against it, these things show up more and more everywhere.

I believe in psychology, but my gut reaction says this is more than that. I'm sure people will think I'm crazy, but I'd stay away from anything that promotes magical powder, which it does. Is it weird that more and more parents are using this? It kind of fits in that people want a quick answer to make their kids sleep at night... it's written in a way that sounds to me like the parents are putting a spell on their child while they read it to them.

"I came downstairs at 6:58pm, after reading The Rabbit Who Wants To Fall Asleep to my daughter Belle, aged four, and said to my partner: 'I think I've just hypnotised her to sleep'." (link)

Bestselling Book Promises Kids Will Fall Asleep at Bedtime

"The 26-page book, written by Carl-Johan Forssén Ehrlin, a Swedish psychologist and linguist, uses psychological tricks and positive-reinforcement methods to soothe children to sleep. The premise is simple: Roger the Rabbit is so tired but he can’t fall asleep, so he and Mommy Rabbit visit “Uncle Yawn.” On their way, they bump into Sleepy Snail and Heavy-Eyed Owl, both of whom offer advice on how to catch some z’s. After Uncle Yawn sprinkles magical sleeping powder on Roger, he’s able to make it home and fall asleep in his bed...."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
BREAKING: Obama Admin. Officials Convicted Of Voter Fraud In Obama Election

"If you thought that Obama’s 2008 election just didn’t seem right, it turns out you were on to something. At the end of last month, two Democratic officials from Indiana were arrested and convicted of ballot fraud. It appears that Obama truly wasn’t eligible to be on the ballot...."

Records: California plans taking land for huge water tunnels

"SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- State contractors have readied plans to acquire as many as 300 farms in the California delta by eminent domain to make room for a pair of massive, still-unapproved water tunnels proposed by Gov. Jerry Brown, according to documents obtained by opponents of the tunnels....."

U.S. Army troops mobilized to help fight Western wildfires

"SALMON, Idaho (Reuters) - The U.S. Army mobilized soldiers on Monday to reinforce civilian firefighters stretched thin by dozens of major wildfires roaring largely unchecked across the West, with more than 100 homes reduced to ruins in several states.

The 200 troops deployed from Joint Base Lewis-McChord near Tacoma, Washington, are to be organized into 10 firefighting crews of 20 each, all of whom will be sent to a single fire yet to be determined, according to the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho.

Fire managers requested the mobilization - the first of its kind since 2006 - as crews from federal, state and local agencies struggled to contain many of the wildfires that have charred more than 1 million acres (405,000 hectares) of the West amid a heat wave gripping the drought-parched region.

More than 29,000 civilian fire personnel already were deployed throughout the West, most of them on front-line ground crews. Property losses were concentrated in Idaho, Oregon and Washington, with 108 homes confirmed as destroyed among those three states alone since Friday, authorities said....."

An Actual Tiger Was Caught Roaming Detroit’s Abandoned Packard Plant

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Food Banks Struggle to Meet Surprising Demand

"DES MOINES, Iowa — Food banks nationwide are dealing with rising demand despite the growing economy, leading some charities to reduce the amount they offer each family.

U.S. food banks are expected to give away about 4 billion pounds of food this year. Feeding America, the nation's primary food bank network, says that's more than double the amount provided a decade ago.

The group gave away 3.8 billion in 2013.

Food bank reliance exploded when the economy tanked in 2008, but groups say demand still rises each year.

Some economists say the increased demand is surprising because the economy is growing and unemployment has been cut nearly in half since the recession.

But many people who have found jobs are working only part-time or for low wages, and others have stopped looking for work."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Delivery truck triggers emergency at SC nuclear site - Savannah River Site ecompasses about 200,000 acres

(CNN) —Authorities triggered an emergency response on Monday -- including barring all incoming traffic -- at a South Carolina nuclear site because of what was described as "a potential security event."The Savannah River Site, which is affiliated with the U.S. Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration, announced the precautions via Facebook around 3:42 p.m.

About one and a half hours later, the site explained why: "Electronic and canine scans of a vendor delivery truck indicated a possibility of explosive residue on the truck."

That hit spurred authorities from South Carolina and Georgia to join the site's security contractor, Centerra, according to the Savannah River Site release.

Previously, the same entity said, "There is no indication of a consequence beyond the Savannah River Site boundaries."

The Savannah River Site encompasses about 200,000 acres, the vast majority of it pine forest, in eastern South Carolina near the Georgia border south. It's about 70 southwest of Columbia.

It produced about one-third of the United States' weapons-grade plutonium and all its tritium, both of which are key components in nuclear weapons, during the Cold War.

As other nuclear sites closed down in recent decades, their and other materials were sent to the South Carolina site for safekeeping, according to its website.

In addition to safeguarding this material, work continues on the site in research and development, converting highly enriched uranium for use at commercial nuclear reactors, taking in more spent nuclear fuel and producing new tritium for national security purposes.

Department Of Energy Nuclear Site On Lockdown Over Possible 'Explosive Residue'

"The Savannah River nuclear facility in Aiken County, S.C. is on lockdown, the sheriff's office confirmed Monday, after canine and electronic scans found "a possibility of explosive residue" on a delivery truck."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
MakingMoneyHoney, do you actually believe this magic prophecy comet stuff?

I believe in the Jesus Christ and the bible and that he drove out demons and told His followers to. People will always call the bible "magic" or "fairy tales" or fiction etc. However it's clear to me that it's true. And it's clear to many others that it's true also. (I've actually posted something in here on how top scientists don't know what holds the world together, and are trying to figure it out at CERN, and they have performed ritual dances and have the Shiva idol out front) This seems to point to the people in the know are starting to believe too. Just IMHO.

I don't see why anyone would want to dissuade people away from it, as it's a very peaceful and loving religion. Yet, I know that if Jesus had been shown on the Empire State Building people would have had a conniption, but the Kali (goddess of destruction) was called breathtaking.

I believe things are really bad here right now and most people seem to be turning their back on God, falling away, or being deceived in some way.

I don't think something so drastic as a comet will happen in September. But I won't say it can't happen. I could say I don't believe there will be a major earthquake to hit California, but FEMA says it will and is extremely due. "The Pacific Northwest is 72 years overdue for the next quake, which is expected to be between 8.0 and 9.2 in magnitude." (link)

I do think we're witnessing signs of the time, things from revelation. But I don't think Christians should fear anything, and I can't say it will happen between this year or 100 years from now. I can only say these things are happening, and continue to happen and seem to be getting worse. Christians are told to look for signs because they won't be in the dark, and we're clearly seeing signs. All we can do is look and talk about them. Since people continue to read the thread and I continue to run into them, I'll continue to post.
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MakingMoneyHoney, do you actually believe this magic prophecy comet stuff?
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Activity: 504
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Activity: 504
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Video: Claim: Law Enforcement Ignored Terror Suspect

Man claims he was in law enforcement, tries to stop terrorist, and is told to ignore it, he continues to not ignore it, and gets sent for a pysch eval for mentioning Jesus Christ.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
News: Diseased Trees and Drought in Spain, Italy Drive Up Cost of Olive Oil Across Europe

"...An ongoing drought in southern Europe combined with a disease outbreak is affecting the continent's olive crop and olive oil prices..."

Video: Droughts Causing Olive Trees To Be Severely Diseased - The Anointing As Been Corrupted
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
I posted about the NYC sinkholes. These are from the UK.

Why are so many sinkholes appearing in the UK? All you need to know about the phenomenon.

"...A spate of sinkholes popping up around the UK has shocked communities and ravaged people's homes and cars.

A house is close to collapse after a 25ft sinkhole emerged in North Yorkshire on Monday.

And a woman is fighting for her life in South Wales, after an apparent sinkhole swallowed her car.

In the past month alone, a 15ft hole opened up on the M2, homes were evacuated in Hemel Hempstead due to a 35ft hole and a 30ft crater engulfed a car in High Wycombe.

But why are they appearing and where have they come from? We have all you need to know here..."

Terrifying holes that are opening up all over Britain: They're appearing at FIVE TIMES their normal rate and further bad weather could mean we haven't seen the last of them

Video: Floods, Droughts, Sinkholes, Fires ... The Signs of The Times
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