Closed-source, centralized and 100% premined is shit no matter what you do with it later. There are already so much better alternatives.
There is no "mining", because there's no proof-of-work. Using "consensus" instead of proof-of-work is what enables new ledgers (analogous to blocks) every 5-10 seconds.
Mining rewards give the incentive to process bitcoin (and other alt-chain) transactions. That has led to plentiful bitcoin nodes and hash power. But it has left a network of exchanges which is lacking, "balkanized", and expensive. (the spread between bitstamp and mtgox is a consequence of this).
With ripple, it is OpenCoin giveaways which provide the incentive to become a gateway (as opposed to mining rewards to become a miner). And the infrastructure which XRP provides (order books built into the protocol) makes it easy for anyone to provide exchange liquidity (cheaper fees/smaller spreads should be the consequence).
XRP acts like the grease-and-gears for exchanging bitcoin (think of it as the dollar for trading the gold).
I won't argue that its a shining light of egalitarianism, but certainly moreso than the conventional bitcoin exchange (and its more transparent to boot. IOU deposits aka "gateway capitalization" are public in-the-ledger knowledge, currently standing at $284k USD and 2,250 BTC).