The biggest crypto scammers, biggest crypto hackers are all associated/linked to North Korea it has nothing to do with Nigerians. I don't know what you want to achieve with this post but you're clearly misinformed.
You are right I also think this post should be on the local board, as the locals can give better replies. I skipped this thread the first day to get an idea of what Nigerians think about it, as I thought within a day or two the post would be moved there. You are right NK hackers and scammers stole more than 2 billion dollars in 2024 alone. They are the biggest scammers and hackers.
But there will often be obstacles here too. There is no place where you can get a job on a legal basis, and here various ideas for fraud appear. The fact that people are often deceived, especially in the crypto environment, speaks of the low level of education of the deceived, and those who deceive, having once gained such experience, will regularly use it.
The reason for numerous scammers from poor countries is always a bad economy. People will not commit crimes if they have a good life. I still believe that most of these scammers are just surviving, and of course, it is very unfortunate that they cross the line of decency.
At first, they do it for basic needs but with time and with success, it becomes their passion. I am not talking about Nigerian scammers alone as I am speaking of all the scammers out there. After getting no jobs they look online, and most of the time without proper guidance they fall into the wrong hands too, (not all as some chose this path on purpose). They don't realize the work they are doing can be spamming, for example, call center scams are world-famous, and few countries are on top of it (I won't name any).
The point is, I once went for a call center job interview. it was my first hunting for a job, so I went there, and the person asked me to read the script as English is not my first language and I did not know what was their agenda, he said we sell some TV receiver service and sell the device. he said I have to talk to the customer and ask them few questions, like where they live, their DOB, pet name etc. etc. They said you have to write down all the things on a note and provide it to us during the call and if we succeed in getting the password, we will force them to buy some subscription to TV. Well, it was my first time, but I was not dumb haha, I knew they would
force blackmail them for money or maybe cancel some subscriptions. Well, I left the place after I realized this was just a scam job to scam others. A month or two later, the person left the city due to legal issues (gladly).
The hype of getting a job in a poor country where you cannot find a job easily, and once you find one where you don't have to be a construction worker, dishwasher, or waiter but have to sit in an AC room in front of the screen, you just don't come to get second thought, as you think they have this big company setup, how come they can be a fraud? Therefore we must give proper education to everyone to devote their love towards their country by not doing such things and how to avoid such scam jobs where you have to scam others.
After this come those who are just after money, and they just want to make money, for them I have no words, as
Logitech explained it better.