I came here, AS PART OF MY INTERNET SEARCH, to learn about BTC. I see this place is filled with jerks who have zero desire to help the new guys out, point them in the right direction, make sure their initial experience is positive.
It's true that this forum is often not a pleasant place. You have to learn to ignore the many responses which will be uninformed, hostile, trying to scam you, etc etc. There are still a bunch of knowledgeable and helpful people though. You may find Reddit friendlier, though you always have to watch out for scams of course.
Another thing that SHOCKED me was how little BTC is considered a currency and much it is considered an investment. Seems a large number of people here DO NOT use BTC as a currency, but spend their time in a circle jerk trying to see who will predict the highest BTC price/value in the shortest time frame.
That is true, but I'd also put that down to the speculators just being the loudest.
If you think about it, people that are using Bitcoin as a currency aren't going to talk about that too often. Occasionally you will hear of a new retailer supporting Bitcoin, or someone enabling Bitcoin payments at their business. But by volume of posts it can't compete with the incessant every day deluge of people speculating, looking for analysis, reacting wildly to the latest bit of drama and so on.
I've seen predictions of $10,000 by the end of the year. Really? Are some of you that stupid? One thread title makes me crack up, lierally LOL, it is so frecking funny. The thread about how you guys are the new wealth elite. Dreaming about how you will buy an island and live off your BTC holdings.
It's not so surprising when you consider that on July 1st 2013 Bitcoin was at just under $100 but by November 30th 2013 it was just over $1,100. Since it has happened before, it's not impossible that a ten fold increase from previous high could happen again. I'm not saying it will happen, but some amount of people hoping that it will is only to be expected when they have seen it happen already.
Now mix them with a bunch of people who were early adopters who may well now be sitting on potential million USD sums worth of Bitcoins yet in every other aspect of their lives are not accustomed to being wealthy.
Now add in the fact that Bitcoin appeals strongly to people of a highly technical, anti-authoritarian, often anarchist or libertarian mindset.
Are you really surprised that some viewpoints that you might consider at best laughable or bizarre, at worst downright lunatic are explored?
Look at this attitude I saw while writing this out "these bastards who dare to question bitcoin". This is the attitude I often see when a new guy questions any aspect of BTC.
The thing is that despite the unhelpful responses, we do tend to see the same sorts of questions posted every day on here and what amazes me sometimes is that regular posters don't simply lose their mind trying to repeat the same answers that could have been found with a small amount of research.
That is, if you ask a question, you
will get answered, and at least some of those answers will be factual (if it's a factual question you're asking) or at least logically constructed (if it's something you could debate over).
So if you have questions that you feel have not yet been answered: ideally do some research and ask about anything that's still not clear. If you can't do the research, well OK, ask away. Best to do the research afterwards still. But ask and you'll get answers. Try to ignore any unhelpful responses.
The other thing to note is that there are some people who appear to hate Bitcoin, or at least have no faith in it whatsoever, yet for some reasons are not content to just make their case and then leave. They hang around, posting the same objections to the same issues, and ignoring all responses. Some of them have been doing it for years.
That might be where you're getting the "these bastards who dare to question bitcoin" attitude from, because at some point any given doubt has been expressed and answered and if a sceptic is not willing to accept the response then it's down to the sceptic to deal with that. It is unclear to me why someone who thinks Bitcoin is a dead end would spend their time on here repeatedly telling people so.
So again, if you have a concern that you don't feel has been answered, then speak up. But once it has been answered, if you don't like or agree with the answers, there's not much that we can do about that aside from to let time tell who was right or wrong.