My people we get matter for our hand o,back in the days we use to here of older men having kidney failure,but surprisingly now youth are also being lost to this painful ailment of Renal and liver failure.and one does not need to look too far to find the cause of this. It caught a cross drinking fake drinks like alcohol,taking root commonly referred to as agbo,which have now been discovered to be a high contributor to the high case of kidney failure too.and this sachet alcohol we take also,like the action bitters,Chelsea and the rest.
Seriously, the increase in kidney failure and other sickness is really alarming in this country. The death rate is now kind of high in this country. Most of the sickness is caused by us, we no longer eat fresh foods again. Most of us are used to processed food and canned food, which is not really good for our health, and even if you decide to eat fresh fruits or vegetables, most of them still have chemicals in them. Either when planting them, they are always making use of fertilizer in the process of growing them, which is also a chemical, or they are always using chemicals to preserve and ripen our fruits, which is not good. You can no longer eat fresh food in this country again.
Alcohol is one of the causes of kidney failure, and the funniest part is that most of the people who drink all that dry gin are also smokers, and some of them will end up doing drugs. Then why won’t someone like that have kidney failure and other sickness? Seriously, it's just better we stay away from things like that, they are really hard on our bodies.