Hello ladies and gentleman's at request of Mod Loyce i will discuss this issue here
Rollin is a scam cause of their " fair " system, lets take a look:
You can check your server hash that will result in your server seed, and you can check (and define) your client seed, so far so good as all normal online dice casinos, however there is a miracle seed ( for the owners ) called " random seed ". According to their fair crap, all the math is correct, client seed + server seed + random seed, all is correct and it is! However how can you verify the fair of the roll if one of the seeds is given to you only after you roll, that magic scam seed (random seed) comes from the so so honest server, and serve to we..hmmm...humm...lets try figure it out what they say about the random seed:
https://rollin.io/fair Before the player rolls, we generate a random string of characters on the server used as the "server seed". A hash of the server seed is shown to the player (to prove we can’t change the server seed). We create the server hash by combining the server seed and random seed together.
Ok...interesting but..where the random seed comes from, why it is there...lets keep looking:
server_hash = @crypto.SHA256 server_seed + random_seed
wow wow!!! No wait, they just typed random_seed in there, no explanation where it comes and what it serve to, Lets keep reading more boring scam stuff to find from where " random seed " (scam seed) comes from:
The player provides his own random client seed. We combine the server seed and client seed to generate the seed that will be used for the Mersenne Twister shuffle. This will generate a random number between 0-99.
Hmmmm nop....not here too, and we reach the end of their fair explanation. So, how it is fair if there is one seed that you can't control and you don't have previous knowledge, a seed that is given by the server at it will, their math: client seed + server seed + scam seed it will give you the right math , the right number, however is a so so magical and so so honest seed that you can only know it after you finish the roll.
Bottom of line is , you have the client seed and server hash to verify your roll , but they enter this sweet seed that pops up from no where, so server (they) can manipulate the output roll. In real life comparison is: a guy tells you if you roll a sum of 2 you win ,and he give you 3 dices to roll... if you know what i mean
You just can't introduce a seed after the roll, there is no way to verify if it is fair, and probably is not.
Rollin is made by some scammer with afraid of don't get rich.
Tank you for your time, take care! Be safe from scams.