Also your trust rating suggests that you are the one who loves trolling.
Next time better come up with proper proofs as no one is going to believe you and you cannot destroy the reputation of good casino by your half liner trolls.
I personally believe that the best case for all of us would be to make sure we do not end up with a bad result in the long run by checking these type of accounts. If a place has a lot of complaints from a lot of different people then it would be a bad place to gamble, if it is just one like this, then people usually ignore.
He has already been tagged as trolling in several topics with false complaints against many casinos here. The best thing to do is ignore these trolls, because they hurt the most when ignored, as if they don't exist. For the most part, it's a waste of time to try to reason with them on the forum, or any other social network. Trolls only thrive on reactions, so as long as you can not make them happy, they'll go away.