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The defending champion was still there on art and no doubt, his art will always win no matter what because it is no doubt because of the quality he made before and I am sure it will be the same as today. I wanted to join but I think it is time to give to them the competition and accept the fact that you can't be able to bypass their work compared to yours. Good luck to both of you.
The persons interprets the Art as they want and those competences only have the true intention of expressing themselves, then subjectivity enters the person who looks at it according to their need, their imagination and interpretation. Point.
The fact that there is a regular winner does not mean that your expression has no value, everyone who does true "art" without the purpose of winning a competition enjoys it, the fact of being able to show your ideas in a competition already has a lot meaning.
Art is an artistic-human expression, in this case it is conditioned to a logo, Mr. Roo and the idea of a casino, if you feel good about transmitting/communicating an idea, a story it is enough, if you win! It is already the icing on the cake.
But if you are discouraged by not winning then you are limiting your progress because the true "artist
1" competes with himself, one seeks to progress in how he is able to communicate as best as possible.
Whenever I can, I will participate, sometimes I do not, but believe me it is not discouraged, besides being there present is also honoring and respecting those who participate.
And in any case, as the "usual" winner said, you have to do an artistic wager.
[1] Wow! If I can call myself that way, thanks for the opportunity to do it
, I just used it to give continuity to the idea, but I don't consider myself an artist, if I had to give myself some kind of scale in that sense ... so, 1 satoshi, to give me a value with style.