You can slowly learn this but of course if its in the competition, you should focus more on your core skills and have a good art work to qualify. With Roobet art contest though it allows participants to have two entries on a different category and that only means they believe that participants are talented enough to have two entries and with that, you can also consider it. Just keep on trying and maybe on the next contest, you’re good already.
Its easy to learn things nowadays especially with digital art as many tutorial videos about it.
The Roobet contest runs for almost 3 years now if I’m not mistaken and I’m sure many of us already able to improve their skills on a specific art category while some are able to learn a new way to express their art. There should be no excuse with the art learning because if you really want it, you can learn it.
Yeah, but then, even with videos scattered all over the internet, most especially YouTube, on how to make arts, what is learnt can not be compared to a natural talent, like myself, art is one of the things I am very bad at, this is one of the reasons why I do not bother myself about it, and also with the understanding that a man should not be a jack of all trade and master of none, I try to focus on my area of socialities rather than try to compete with those whom art is their natural talent.
Anyways, not saying that learning is a bad thing though, but that, no matter how many hours we put into learning, a natural talent will always be a natural talent, and art learnt can't beat that.