You site statistics, then say statistics are irrelevant? I'm confused. Somalia is a failed state with no effective government. The gun laws of the ineffective government don't really figure into the equation.
You claim Somalia is a failed state with no effective government, yet you admit you haven't even been there. Those who have actually been there, reported from there, such as Unreported World's "The Master Chef of Mogadishu" crew, show Al Shabaab insurging against the government and trying to assassinate them, a government composed partially if not mostly of former ex-pats and refugees. Why would Al Shabaab insurge against a non-threat, non-effective government? Why would ex-pats and refugees return just to circlejerk and get suicide bombed? Why is Mogadishu Central Prison run, if not to lock people in?
How bloody effective does a government need to be before you stop saying it's not?