The economic problems are solely due to the fact that the oil price is declining (as a result of tactics being employed by Saudi Arabia). Earlier, when the oil price was going at $105 a barrel, the Russian government used to receive $78 as taxes for every barrel of oil. And now the oil price has come down to $48, and this figure has been reduced to $21 per barrel.
And regarding the death rate, for the January-July period, it has increased to 1,144,039. For the same period in 2014, the number of deaths was 1,124,661. This represents an increase of 1.72%.
In 2009 it also was $60 per barrel but here in Russia we didn't feel that because our government take loans from western Banks, and cover all loses and then when oil rise up they give them back. Now they also could do it but the problem is that sanctions. No one give Russia loans. About demographic problem (+6%) it is number from Jan- March when there was hard battles in Ukraine.
They are not related to each other, but this countries become a battlefield of political struggle between Russia and western countries