How much are you looking to get from investors? Can you or will you take smaller "seed" investors (such as myself?). Have you valuated your company/project yet?
I second that. Could be interesting if that is done properly -as investment.
Yes, I'm considering all my options, and a small seed investment is something that is the best way to go.
I'm generally looking to secure around $200-$300k for a year of development, but that's including some (3-4) employees and the general mishmash of managing a full-blown startup, and I have a hard time believing that someone will drop a $200k in advance in a Bitcoin project.
To be more realistic, I need $45 to support myself and the company that I have for around 6 months, and I would really like to have a full time Python developer, that would be around $50-$60k for 6 months as well.
Those sums are not exactly big when it comes to investment, they are not small nonetheless, and my guess is that the investor that takes up the offer will setup some kind of a milestone for two-three months after the initial investment to see where things are going and if they're heading in the right direction, and then invest the extra funds needed.
Regarding valuation, if anyone offers me a $50k check with my companies name on it, I will most probably sign 10% on the spot, for anything other than that, we'll have to discuss about it, and it would probably be a bit more personal (skype/face-to-face meeting).