Today I heard that Samsung is going to make bitcoin mining hardware especially Antminer S9 which I heard that they will name it as 'Samsung S9', with this act by Samsung everyone can understand that Samsung is in the favor of bitcoin and they will strongly support bitcoin. Almost all of the Samsung users will then know about this device and so more and more people will then know about bitcoin and the demand and the users of bitcoin will be increased too much.
not only bitcoin grow because of this i think whole market grow fast like men who consume two satchet of steroid testrone nutrient into body , with this style steriod gear they call it samsung s9 i think alls evry coin affect huge huge big time grow size because of this one
i think even they offer cheap price for us and this one can only be graet thing for us who are in this place who enjoy mine like this , not all ppl here understand it how to feed famaily from mine only but this one very very good way to do it
many freind i have here who do this one , gd huge monies they collect from this
sansumg is g8 compony , always i will support them