Wow if its true he can be in top 10 world most richest people in the line of bill gates and zuker berg because by holding of 500000 bit coin means he have 25 billion dollar in hand while the bill gates have 85 billion and mark zuker berg have 45 billion dollar. So i think we should try to earn bit coin instead of counting of others people wealth. Satoshi is founder of this currency so he have the right to hold such a huge number of bit coins.
If he hold 500 000 coins at a price of 5000 he has only 2.5 billions, do the math right.
Even with 25 billions he would be outside top 30 but with 2.5 he is somewhere between place 800 and 9000 currently.
Guys the problem is not that the price could go to zero if he decide to sell all the bitcoins. The problem is giving so much power to a single group o people.
but who is to stop anyone or any group of people from accumulating such an amount?
Fortunately nobody.
Why should there be a limit to how many coins somebody has?
Bitcoin is about freedom not about communist ratios where even the apartment you live even was measured and had to comply with standards.Everyone is free to get as many coins as possible if he has the money to buy them, and the price will be dictated by the free market.
If he plans to dump them, he is free to do so, remember that nobody is banning you to sell your coins.
Nobody here wants a reverse Cyprus where you will be able to cash out only 1 bitcoin a day.