Think about the sort of people Bitcoin attracts: Anti-government anarchists, tax cheat, drug users, the pathologically foolish, internet criminals... Like Pooh Bear to a Honeypot...
Ehh? Yeah, now you're getting it...
What you stated can be said for all forms of payment, including online payments
such as gift cards, paypal, and things like skrill & etc.
Why would a government release Bitcoin/bitcoin, creating a Pandora's box of
unknown future possibilities that is uncontrollable and hurtful to that creator nation?
That is like saying a government would release a whitepaper on how to create a nuclear bomb
from materials found within the average household, so that they can monitor who will use it.
Now that it is public knowledge, there is great risk of destruction of what already exists.
By releasing it, they themselves caused their own eventual destruction.
If it is indeed a government operation, there needs to be a better reasoning to release it,
that outweighs the uncontrollable paradigm shift. Just to watch "criminals and nuts" is too simple.