Weather or not it is or it is not Satoshi the person sending does have some valid points on the nature of what BTC was and is meant for. If it was Satoshi and is following what is going on, maybe Satoshi should come back and reinvent Bitcoin and make it how he wanted to see it in the future and make continued updates or even to release a new coin under satoshis control and his only. am sure he can do it as he started out with Bitcoin. If it is Real and not a Hoax then Satoshi stand up for what you have made and show the current developers how it is meant to be done. If it is a Hoax then game on at finding the real satoshi and getting his comments public.
Too dangerous. Just use what already exists, but be extra careful. If it works, good. If it doesn't, oh well.
Well if it does not work then that will indeed cause people to stop using and look elsewhere. Tao much work has been done on BTC for it to fail. It just needs the right things doing to it to make it grow and continue to be used world wide and for it to go mainstream. All that needs to happen with BTC is for it to be re done from the ground upwards or taking a hit an sections that need most work on and then updating and release made. With the current updates and new block sizes is good in some ways but not in others. No doubt only time will tell on this matter and if current problems get addressed and fixed and can get past the bumpy times like now.
I doubt it is too dangerous for satoshi to return even making a return anonymously, working and submitting stuff from different locations would be a starting point.
If it really was Satoshi thinking more on the subject, would he if he really cares about Bitcoin that much would actually send some code to be checked out and maybe worked on it and Satoshi says here is a review of what is current and how can be improved. If I had the knowledge to wright code and improve Bitcoin I would. I would take some of my own ideas that I have submitted a number of times but never seem to get listened to would improve bitcoin as a whole. Far more needs to be done than just what is current and many other coins adopt these ideas to making much more secure and feature rich. If Bitcoin and the current development team can not see and think outside the box, then it will collapse as many are currently suggesting, that it could well happen in the future.