It is the responsibility of the Bitcoin mining community to find pools that fight for the Block chain not work against it.
we are wittiness's to a digital democracy in action.
One successful business's selfish actions have an impact on the rest of the democracy but obviously not enough for the majority to turn against it.
You need to remember that most people will also vote by putting their own self interests above others as their guide.
As a small casino operator myself I feel bitcoin is (in some ways) lucky to have a selfish business like satoshidice being so stubborn as they are.
Bitcoin has a long road ahead of it and as others say if we cant handle one noisy vendor then what happens when we finally get a malicious entity on the network that is not motivated by greed (as are all businesses) but by the destruction of the network.
We are already seeing the network adapt, the exclusion of satoshidice spammy transactions (we are also guilty of this to a lesser extent) and the raising of the blocksize limit.
Our little democracy is growing, new laws are being added and we are having some small teething issues along the way. if you dont like it you are free to attempt succession