The relation between 32 zero bits and 43 zeros bits is 11 bits.
So blocks 1-10 match EXACTLY the same hashing power as the genesis block.
People tend to explain PoW in the genesis block as "just luck".
I don't believe in luck. I can't believe in luck, since I have some cryptography background.
This is nonsense. It takes no extra time to randomly find a <0000000ffff hash that is equivalent to difficulty 1, 2, or 2000. Anything may come out of the hasher as the first hash you get. There is no "six days of hashing", that is just a stupid idea.
So THE SAME mining computers that mined the genesis block probably mined blocks 1-10.
The whole mystery of ExtraNonces mismatches is solved.
This is nonsense, as I described before, this likely means only that 2^32 * (ExtraNonce - previousExtraNonce ) + nonce hashes were performed after genesis mining start before a block solution was created. Any computer that starts Bitcoin 0.1.0 mining increments its nonce+extranonce in the same deterministic way absent any network block or transaction messages. There is no connection between the genesis creator and the rest of the blockchain.
Lets look at how many Bitcoin clients there actually were then:
When Hal posted his crash debug log (cleverly pointed out by non-noob member Point at Infinity) containing the same first 49 blocks as we have now, it showed no timewarping or forking was done. Block 49's Timestamp is 2009-01-10 18:56:42; the email list message time is 2009-01-10 19:13. Block finding rate is similar before and after this point.
What it also shows is the number of Bitcoin clients listening in IRC for peers. Each Bitcoin has it's own 14 character "u" nick in the #bitcoin channel in 0.1.0 (you'll still find these in that channel from time to time). Who was in that channel? Three people were in the channel: Hal, another Bitcoin 0.1.0, and a listener.
List of nicks in #bitcoin channel:
IRC 353 uCeSAaG6R9Qidrs @ #bitcoin :uCeSAaG6R9Qidrs x93428606 @u4rfwoe8g3w5Tai
IRC 366 uCeSAaG6R9Qidrs #bitcoin :End of /NAMES list.
More info about those users?:
(format RPL_WHOREPLY "
First nick to join channel (had channel ops): Bitcoin 0.1.0 user u4rfwoe8g3w5Tai 352 uCeSAaG6R9Qidrs #bitcoin n=u4rfwoe8 u4rfwoe8g3w5Tai H@ :0 u4rfwoe8g3w5Tai
Second nick to join channel: x93428606 (not bitcoin, connecting by Tor) 352 uCeSAaG6R9Qidrs #bitcoin i=x9342860 gateway/tor/x-bacc5813d7825a9a x93428606 H :0 x93428606
Third nick to join channel: Hal's Bitcoin, uCeSAaG6R9Qidrs 352 uCeSAaG6R9Qidrs #bitcoin n=uCeSAaG6 uCeSAaG6R9Qidrs H :0 uCeSAaG6R9Qidrs
There is no evidence either way that bitcoin #1 was satoshi. To receive the first bitcoin transaction, Satoshi would not even need to run Bitcoin, just giving an address would be sufficient.
I am done responding to this thread, since my previous analysis is not interpreted correctly and there is no hypothesis here. Satoshi is bitrich, you aren't.