There is a category of people who, being no longer young, still continue to lead a wasteful lifestyle and spend money on trash. But in that you are right that in young people it is more common. Of course, this is due to the lack of life experience and general financial literacy, which is rarely taught and young people have to learn from their mistakes.
Accumulation happens better if you do it systematically, at least in small amounts. Constancy is important and then, over the years, a good amount accumulates. And if you do this with the help of digital assets (better to say investment tool), like bitcoin, then this will also allow you to increase these savings. That is why, I am of the opinion that it is quite possible to set aside part of the salary and this can be taught if you approach the decision wisely, abandoning senseless and unnecessary spending on all sorts of useless stuff.
Another confirmation of the idea that the main cause of our problems is... WE ARE
By the way, the second problem is the search for problems on the side, the search for culprits, the search for "conspiracy theories", all this just to justify our susceptibility to addictions and weakness in the fight against these, not very useful addictions
In short, the question "How to start living well and having enough", you have to ask the question "what did you really do to achieve this? "