I agree with everything you said except the last sentence. There is a saying in economics: "If there's no growth then there's no life in it." If we are not making things better then our life will not stay the way it is, it will be getting worse. So, basically, we have no choice but to grow. We should be improving our knowledge, our income should be getting bigger, and our living conditions must our living conditions must improve along with it. We must be moving forward, we can't afford to stand still.
I may not have conveyed my thought very accurately, but I meant exactly what you said - if you want improvement - change, become different, change your habits, improve your knowledge and skills. Without changing yourself, your life will not change.
In fact, it is difficult to end a desire because it always follows the times. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to distinguish between a need and a desire. When I asked them, they always defended themselves and said that it was a necessity, even though on the other hand it was clear that they didn't need it. No matter how much money we have, it will never be enough if we always pursue more and more desires. I often see many rich people who feel unhappy in their lives, because maybe they are always chasing something that they don't really need. One of the best ways is to be grateful for what we have, buy the things we need, and start living a simple life by not chasing something that is beyond our means or something that is not very useful.
Regarding desires, which influence our behavior, first of all, as a consumer. Yes, there is such a flaw in people. And it's hard to deal with. But there is an option. There is a good method, the "5 Why method. Only a little adapted - "the method of 5 WHY I want it"
I'm sure many people are familiar with the "5 Why method" or can easily learn it. If you make an impulsive decision to buy something new, such as a new model of phone, then about 3-4, and certainly on the fifth answer "why do I need it" you will come to the conclusion that it is not really necessary, but is simply an impulse associated with advertising or other method of manipulating your mind buyer.