Also, can you explain why DNA from a virus or bacteria is so scary? The genetic code is conserved from humans all the way to the lowly bacteria. Proteins coded for by said DNA are exactly the same. Its not like your body sees a protein and checks if this is naturally in this food or if it came from a gene placed there via molecular techniques.
It is scary for a few reasons:
1. It could enter the natural food supply and destabilize natural balances and lead to famine, and potentially irreversibly destroy natural DNA forever. Lots of scientists are coming to the conclusion that "colony collapse syndrome" or massive bee die offs are directly linked with the use of Monsanto BT products which have pesticides in the flesh of the plant, including the pollen. We depend heavily upon bees to pollinate our food crops.
2. The viruses often used to create GMO plants and animals are often very unpredictable and mutate regularly, even after recombination. This can lead to unforeseen consequences as far as containing the viral DNA and can lead to the contamination of natural plant
and human DNA.
3. No one knows what they are eating. This so called "junk DNA" it turns out actually is important to how life forms grow and reproduce including DNA which can be expressed under certain conditions. Toying with this balance we barely understand creates fundamental differences in the molecular make up of the DNA which is only later felt as it triggers human expressive genes normally left inactive under optimum natural conditions. What is safe for you may be deadly toxic to me depending on what dormant genes we have waiting.
Lastly, please look into BT corn. It is based off of a pesticide derived from the toxic waste of a bacteria. This substance used to be sprayed on crops, meaning you could simply wash it off. Now that DNA which is the production mechanism of the toxin from the bacteria, is inserted directly into the flesh of the BT corn. This means you consume this toxin, which is in fact very harmful in itself leading to gastrointestinal inflammation, ulcers, cancer, etc in test cases. This is not the worst part though. The virus bacteria recombination which is used to create the pesticide in the flesh of the corn can REPLICATE IN YOUR GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT, ie long term poisoning from the inside out as your gut pumps out more and more toxins. There are also many other BT products which we consume every day. You are what you eat is more true of a saying than most people understand.
Transgenic Crops: An Introduction and Resource Guide Genes May Pass from Food to Human Blood of herbicide-resistance from genetically modified creeping bentgrass into the wild. Possible Human Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Bt Crops DNA from GE foods can end up in your genes A long-term toxicology study on pigs fed a combined genetically modified (GM) soy andGM maize diet 65 Health Risks of GM Foods