
Topic: [SCAM] Avviso a tutti i venditori via Postepay: problema canale "puntoricarica" - page 2. (Read 3370 times)

Activity: 1022
Merit: 1000
Un saluto a tutti,

il presente thread per allertare tutti i venditori che accettano Postepay.

Forse molti di voi non lo sapranno, ma uno dei possibili canali di ricarica e' quello in contanti tramite le ricevitorie convenzionate al gruppo puntoricarica.

Oltre alla scarsa professionalita' del gruppo in questione (che stampa ricevute con errori ortografici ben in vista: "RicarichE Carta POSTPAY"), il problema e' il seguente:

recentemente molti di voi sono stati contattati su localbitcoins, telegram, skype, forum, etc da un utente non italiano (scrive in inglese, dice di essere spagnolo, utilizza tipicamente proxy tedesco). Questo individuo ha tentato di compiere la sua truffa (che qui sto spiegando) anche tramite canali automatizzati quali bitboat e altri, motivo per il quale ho approfondito la problematica in questione e cercato di "tirare le fila" sentendo varie persone da lui contattate.

l'individuo in questione utilizza un collaboratore italiano per acquistare un'ingente quantita' di bitcoin tramite ricariche in contanti (via "puntoricarica"), queste non sono fatte da lui, ma dal collaboratore. Le ricevute che presenta sono la stampa pdf del pannello di controllo di chi sta in ricevitoria, non e' in grado di presentare alcuna ricevuta cartacea e sebbene le ricariche siano precise al centesimo e eseguite in tempi molto rapidi (facendo presumere l'effettiva esistenza del collaboratore, o un furto delle credenziali dello stesso) l'utente palesa un utilizzo del meccanismo per finalita' illecite e si rifiuta categoricamente di presentare documenti (anzi, invita a tenersi pure i suoi soldi senza inviare i bitcoin e comunica che "non gli importa, tornera' con un'altra identita' a continuare il suo 'lavoro'").

Invito tutti a non iniziare alcun trade con l'utente in questione, a indicare nelle vostre condizioni di vendita che la ricarica tramite il canale "puntoricarica" (appena 6000 punti in Italia, molti dei quali non piu' attivi) non e' consentita.

Alcuni estratti delle conversazioni che ho avuto con lui (e che insieme a tutto il materiale che sto raccogliendo andranno presumibilmente a far parte di una mia segnalazione alla polizia postale):

Bitboat webchat:
[22:05] Bitboat : the buyer didn't do everything correct, the amount is different and does not match
[22:05] alberto : very disappointed
[22:05] Bitboat : in the ToS there are sono conditions (not a lot) to be accepted, not to be ignored
[22:06] alberto : yes, but as you know only 1% read the ToS
[22:06] alberto : so keep that for you Smiley
[22:07] Bitboat : if you ignore them than this is not my problem
[22:07] alberto : don't make me lose my btc's
[22:07] Bitboat : you are not different than other customers, sorry, this is the procedure
[22:07] Bitboat : you are not going to loose anything
[22:07] alberto : you know my works conditions
[22:07] Bitboat : just send us the documents required
[22:07] alberto : yes, you are making my work more difficult
[22:07] Bitboat : same for you
[22:08] Bitboat : you should have paid the right amount
[22:08] alberto : you know that no document will be sent
[22:08] Bitboat : I don't really know that
[22:08] Bitboat : I just asked you to send them
[22:08] Bitboat : we will wait for them
[22:08] alberto : no docs don't wait my friend
[22:08] alberto : if you have a solution do it now
[22:08] Bitboat : and if no document will be received in a week than we'll go to postal police to report the unwanted deposit on our card
[22:08] Bitboat : same as we did other times

[22:09] alberto : we will have a solution or i should go ?
[22:09] Bitboat : the solution is to send us the needed documents
[22:10] alberto : no docs
[22:10] alberto : already said
[22:10] Bitboat : ok, your problem, I cannot prove you was the one paying
[22:10] alberto : a money mover doesnt use that

[22:12] alberto : simply is gone
[22:12] alberto : if you refuse to release
[22:13] Bitboat : these are not my money
[22:13] Bitboat : and I have no proof they are yours
[22:13] Bitboat : so we'll report the unwanted deposit
[22:13] alberto : do what you can Smiley

[22:15] alberto : ok man. thanks for everything
[22:15] Bitboat : we'll wait for the docs
[22:15] alberto : don't wait i told you.
[22:15] alberto : do what you want to do
[22:16] alberto : from my part i paid and i'm waiting for my btc.
[22:17] alberto : do you have an idea?
[22:17] alberto : because this is annoying Smiley
[22:17] Bitboat : I already told you what the protocol is
[22:18] alberto : ok man, thanks and if you want me to come again release my btc
[22:18] Bitboat : I'll report this chat to the police and any other informations we have
[22:18] Bitboat : we don't want you to come again if you go against the ToS
[22:18] alberto : police? Smiley
[22:18] alberto : you are awesome Smiley
[22:19] alberto : i bet you that i'll take more btc from you Smiley
[22:19] alberto : even if you don't want ;)
[22:19] alberto : you will sell in any condition
[22:20] alberto : see you man
[22:20] alberto : under another name Smiley

MasterCoin: your are putting yourself in a bad situation Smiley
MasterCoin: i have nothing to hide. i'm working
MasterCoin: because i don't know you.
MasterCoin: sad to see people like you.
MasterCoin: ah, lol
MasterCoin: i asked uncle google about you.
Thomas: yep I am not hiding like you are doing
MasterCoin: man, there is nothing bad in what i do. it's simply laudering money. so don't fool me twice.
Thomas: it's a fraud to use btc resellers to launder your money, we will report you to the police, I have many many details about you, the police will get to you
MasterCoin: and always will exist people able to work with me
Thomas: skype, right?
MasterCoin: lol
MasterCoin: I have many of them, don't worry
MasterCoin: i know what i do man
MasterCoin: and don't talk like my wife Smiley
MasterCoin: relax and take a coffe.
Thomas: I am done with you anyway, have a nice day
MasterCoin: this is the black week-end has ended.
MasterCoin: see you next year Smiley
MasterCoin: really, i'm not taking your action as personal.
MasterCoin: you can come back anytime.
MasterCoin: 1991, same as my son age Wink
MasterCoin: now talking seriously
MasterCoin: don't you have fiscal problems?

Per ora e' tutto, invito tutti a prestare attenzione e a evitare qualsiasi coinvolgimento con l'utente in questione. Se qualcuno avesse informazioni utili da aggiungere a quelle mostrate qui sopra mi scriva pure un PM.

Un saluto,
Thomas Bertani

UPDATE 3/8/15 @ 3:16 PM:

[3:13:03 PM] MasterCoin: nice post
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