The whole thing was like that from day 1
It was a build your own scam game.
When i first looked at the ANN topic there was just a simple jpeg with a list of maybe 10 bullet point sentences
and after they carefully sat back and watched us start complaining they took each complaint as a task (a personal scam bounty)
and they propped up up asap to make it look more legit.. i made a loud stink of the jpeg and they quickly tacked on another one with WAY more info LOL
This scam routine / game can be seen with Carbon Coin.. every point i made they went and change the coin or added info after the fact to seal up all the holes.
And the important part is guys always want to get in on a coin on day 1 right ? It's how we do this stuff..
And this scammy tactic gives the scammers the advantage.. smart people will hold off and scammers will dive on it asap !
This is a classic tactical advantage ploy around here and it always has been.
Take Dark coin for example.. it was launched with no anon features just a rip off sorts of Quak's hashing Algo
and they re-branded it "X11" and started hype / Pump campaigns.. MANY months after the inner circle flash mined the shit coin (no one gove two shits about)
The anon shit and the popularity came waaaaay later.. after the handful of so called devs etc were sitting on vast amounts holding quietly for ages LOL
And with Carbon Coin they used Scrypt Asics to flash mine the shit out of it "promising" to plant tree's as part of the block reward
then later they tried to launch a hype campaign and i laughed and said it was a scrypt clone with a fake gimmick attached to it
and those cock suckers tried as hard as they could to bash me and discredit me..but they can't.. i was not lying it REALLY WAS a scrypt clone
so they changed the Algo LOL
Why did they change it if i was wrong ? hmmmm ?
That Carbon Coin scam was an evolving story of lies just like Blocknet pushed by scammers like "Oldminer"
They originally tried to say a friend in another country (the UK) promised to handle the tree planting and when no word or proof showed up
one of them said he would start doing some seeding in his back yard and posted pictures of a few plants seeding on pop bottles in his shed = ROFL
And my point all along was how are they going to scale up this so all those tons of trees can get planted for each and every block ?
the more people involved the more trees that would get planted right ?
They started to sweat i think realizing no one was falling for their gimmick + scam..
So they edited some old comments earlier in the topic with about 20 pictures each of them about 6mb each ..the page load time here is brutal LOL
And what they said along along was they were having trees planted by a professional so what did they post pictures of ?
My last name is on a world famous bottle of wine by a company my family started in the late 50's
and..... i live in Kelowna BC, CAN ..prob the wine capital of Canada and i actually see vine yards in my back fucking yard !!!!
We have over 100 vine-yards in Kelowna so ALL people here know what a grape vine looks like ROFL
And some of my old friends growing up were actual real
professional Tree Planters that went into the forest and planted them.
So i busted them wide fucking open and that was just 1 single solitary point of countless.. i caught them lying about !
I have other stories too like the guy Old Miner pushing other coins that are confirmed scams too..
Pro Tip: If anyone says they are "collecting" for the Ebola disease bear in mind,
ALL Ebola "cure" research funding is provided by a
branch of the
US Dept of Defenseand all scientific research is handled (under strict contract) by 1 group in Canada and 1 in the USA. (both funded by the US DOD and CAN govt.)
So ? ..think about where your work or coins or donations etc are going.. because they are NOT going to research ROFL
It's build your own scam forum..
Post some stupid picture make 5 say nothing at all and flash mine etc or lure people in with vague info
then carefully hang around the Blocknet ANN topic picking and choosing select questions that are fed to you to answer.. and delete the rest.
With Prometheus / Bobsurplus waiting in the wings of course too do his usual Pump group dirty work
And mods here.. suck my cock !
I showed everyone here the ties to Saltyspitoon the mod and Bobby and Dan and prom and all of a sudden you guys started deleting tons of my shit out of the blue
I think i scared them LOL
The core is rotten boys and girls and it runs deep !
Still waiting for
synechrist to sue me on behalf of Dan for claiming Dan may in fact be Prometheus
which of you think about it... if the accusation of being Prometheus is
so bad that you have to threaten to sue Spoetnik for raising the possibility ?
then how bad is Prometheus's rep ? see what i mean ? That is proof they KNEW the connection looked BAD form day one !
synechrist would not have raged on me with lawsuit threats multiple times.
And funnier is he had the fucking nerve to say here a few pages back he was not hiding when i had kept asking him if he's still suing me.. i got no reply ever !
And i also asked him why he would be suing me since it was Dan that i suggested may be Prometheus.. see what i mean guys ?
If Dan and synechrist are different guys then would
synechrist threaten me over that and not Dan ?
And if they are really different people i said then what is it they both do for Blocknet ? what is their rolls in the matter.. i was ignored..
as he kept coming back to this topic claiming he was
NOT hiding LOL
They think they are smart but they are not .
By the way what i said about mods before was that Bobsurplus has feedback from a mod thanking him
for doing eBay deal for him (bob sold stuff for the previous ALT section mod)
And then when i was poking around i see a guy say Bobby's private pump group was planning on pumping Blocknet VERY early on !!!
THEN Bobby actually fucking admitted it an defended it showing i was right earlier ROFL'z !!
The original info i think was leaked by a secret pump group high roller who had paid the "fee" to get Bobby's secret pump plans
but had leaked it on the link in Bobsurplus Forum-Sig here
about his "Pump Group".
The guy said something like "don't bother guys.. Bob is planning on pumping Blocknet and some other coin" in other words saying don't pay him for the info i will just tell you
And then like i said Bob admitted it i seen a guy quote him admitting it here and confronted Bobby about it and he laughed at me and made some cocky dickhead remark.
Who's laughing ? me Bobby ..me
You don't have enough Bitcoin in your wallet to buy my credibility bitches.. class and integrity is not for sale scamming pricks.
laugh all you want too.. but i WILL have the last laugh i fucking guarantee it.. you don't know what is coming mr. (brag on Twitter) Rolex and BMW Bobby HAhahahahha
And the rest of you may want to consider the risks of investing in illegal pyramids schemes with possible regulation / arrests looming
Don't "act" smart..... BE smart !
the bloodbath is coming
The risk is honest guys may lose their investments from schemes or scheme providing services such as exchanges IPO hosters etc.
Some of these places may get shut down and your coins may vanish for a long time or guys may get scared and claim the dog at them..
and worse.. these scammers like Blocknet ITO crew idiots may get arrested etc.
Think twice about WHAT you invest in (IPO/ICO/ITO/SCAM) and WHERE you are storing your shit !
You never know when the US gov (FBI/IRS/FINCEN etc) will show up with warrants on US companies door steps or scammers door steps.
EDIT:Fixed a few spelling errors