I'd like to apologise in advance for the layout of the following. I can't be arsed to tidy it up, but its spoetniks trust rating.
I'm not gonna lie, I've only posted the (HUGE majority) of negative ones. (I didn't include about 6 posts by known trolls longandshort, etc)
I suggest looking for yourself though. just click his trust rating.
$username -503: -15 / +21(21) 2014-10-16 0.00000000 This guy deserves his negative rep and there is a good reason he hides his name.. I'd do a trade with Mark from GOX before this guy. Ripping people off and settling with 0.1% of them a year later does not prove anything either.
Kluge 17: -0 / +10(10) 2014-10-16 0.00000000 Claimed to be a guy named Ben accusing me via PM here of being "schizoaffective" and went on and on that i should see a doctor and gave no reason why he was messaging me.
I should have reported his trolling. I had never talked to the guy before privately or publicly either.
i can tell who the mentally ill one is.. normal people do not do things like that. See a GP yourself mouthy asshole.
Kluge 17: -0 / +10(10) 2014-10-16 0.00000000 Attacked and Trolled me unprovoked randomly out of the blue for no reason Aug 23 2014 *then when i left him neg feedback for it in Oct 2014 he abused the trust rating system today to damage my rep supposedly for Trust abuse. He is the one abusing the trust system and Trolling on people privately and via the Trust rating system. Please report this guys behavior people ! Harassing and Trolling people via PM is not allowed and makes no sense when it's unprovoked and no reason is even given. Avoid this guy !
SpoetniksFucked 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-10-16 0.00000000 Sent me death threats.. no joke either !
slaveforanunnak1 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-10-20 0.00000000 Gave me Aid's during unprotected buttsex
ShillAccount 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-10-20 0.00000000 Trolling Shill Account by scared coin cloning name changing coward !
CryptoJerk 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-10-20 0.00000000 Trolling Shill account
El_Kabong 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-10-20 0.00000000 new account created to Troll on me with insulting and spamming meme pictures.. a clear violation of two well known rules here !
BayAreaCoins 8: -0 / +5(5) 2014-10-26 0.00000000 Left me negative feedback based on lies.
qawzsx 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-10-30 0.00000000 Trolling..
mr_random 1: -0 / +1(1) 2014-10-31 0.00000000 Liar and scammer
atcsecure 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-10-31 0.00000000 Blocknet scam leader
URSAY 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-10-31 0.00000000 Trolled me then played dumb about it after i gave him a negative rating for it.
URSAY 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-10-31 0.00000000 Trolled me then played dumb about it after i gave him a negative rating for it.
WowWtf 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-01 0.00000000 Reference Trolling
Oldminer -8: -2 / +0(0) 2014-11-01 0.00000000 Scam pusher caught lying
onealfa 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-01 0.00000000 Trolling
CryptoGretzky 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-02 0.00000000 Scammer Troll Spammer
TrangLee 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-02 0.00000000 Trolling with spam to defend ponzi scheme Blocknet
FurianSun 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-02 0.00000000 Trolling
The Minion 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-02 0.00000000 TROLLING
BTC-king 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-02 0.00000000 TROLLING..
ILoveBigBlackCocks 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-02 2.00000000 Good trade will do again Anise 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-02 0.00000000 Spamming and Trolling
Hityor_Petar 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-02 0.00000000 Trolling !
Bobbs 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-02 0.00000000 Spamming
ProfX 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-02 0.00000000 Trolled many topics
LongAndShort 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-02 1.20000000 Great deals
The NSA 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-02 0.00000000 BIG TROLL
Stealthcoin 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-02 1.20000000 Good deal
spoogemcduck 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-02 0.00000000 Troll
BitcoiNaked 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-02 0.00000000 Trolling
carpetbagger 2: -0 / +2(2) 2014-11-03 0.00000000 Tried to get me perma banned for FUD
Deepanal 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-03 0.00000000 Trolling
rocoro 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-03 6.00000000 Stole my coins
demgains 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-03 0.00000000 Trolling to cover Blocknet scam
Wheatclove 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-03 0.00000000 Trolling to cover Blocknet scam
Wheatclove 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-03 0.00000000 Paypal / BTC scammer
wharfplow 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-05 0.00000000 Spammer
Shinzi Fuki 0: -0 / +0(0) 2014-11-06 0.00000000 liar
sorry, had to bold that one. it made me do a actual lol.