There is a scam currently ongoing from WhatsApp to Telegram. You will be contacted by a random person with a foreign number offering an online digital marketing job or tasks that claim to make you money per day. They will ask you to do a test task and then send you money upon completion. However, the scamming process begins thereafter. They assign illogical tasks, such as visiting random YouTube pages without clear indications of how they generate income, all while recording amounts for each task. Following this, they may ask you to complete a task involving an investment with a promised refund after 10 minutes.
I checked my WhatsApp and saw that I received this type of message. Note that by this point, you will have been invited to join their 'workgroup' on Telegram, where the main scam continues. WhatsApp serves as their contact and hunting spot. Another red flag indicating a scam is being in the Telegram group as a new worker but unable to comment due to being under investigation and verification. Meanwhile, you'll see supposed members and 'investors' posting about receiving their commissions while being advised to make your own postings with the 'Receptionist,' who was the first person they directed you to from the WhatsApp contact.
From this stage onward, it's crucial to recognize that you're about to be scammed. These scammers often use the names of international digital marketing companies, such as Intero Digital, Primal, and other reputable agency names. This scam was widespread in India, Malaysia, and now Nigeria. Please be wary of anyone offering you a job opportunity out of the blue on WhatsApp. Share this information to help vulnerable individuals avoid falling victim during these challenging times. The current ongoing scam involves using BrodaShaggi's YouTube content as a 'Test Task.' Beware.
Credit: To have just one thread where new scams are reported so that our brothers and sisters here would be aware and take note. Instead of creating a new topic for new scams. How una see am?