Therefore, by incorporating the Kepler Technologies JS., We are establishing the company.
Management Company will hold 20% of the shares in the Kepler Technologies JS, while the remaining 80% of shares will be held by the legal person, who undertakes the responsibility to make a full reinvestment of any income received back to the project, by investing in Project development and buying back the Tokens year.
Now I do not understand. So who will own 80% of the shares? Who will be required to repurchase the tokens? So you already have investors? And who are these investors with shares, if investors are buyers of tokens?
Good question, the 20 % of Company Shares will be held by the Management Company, The rest 80 % will be held by Trustee which will take the responsibility to Reinvest it's dividends and Buy back the Tokens.
This will serve as extra insurance for our investors. Price increase during this action can be considered as Dividend Distribution
Then I'm interested in this question: will the reverse buy-out of tokens be done in small parts constantly or at certain times with some periodicity? Since if the ransom is made at some points, it will cause a sharp fluctuation in prices for tokens on exchanges.
Also, will there be a special address for redeemed tokens, so that investors can be sure that the ransom is made, to watch when and how many tokens are bought out?