I'm very sad for the people that invest on this type of schemes.
I do work on my "normal job" with investments.
One thing you should consider above all, is the integrity of these companies.
To hold clients fund (EUR, USD, any currency) a company needs to be cleared and registered with a Financial Service Authority (FCA in the UK, SEC in USA, CMVM in Portugal, etc, etc).
Its the law! In Europe, America, anywhere. As crypto-currencies are not considered a financial product (although they have a market value in USD, etc), these crooks get them from people believing in miracles. They make their profit, disappear and reopen! And no one can do anything to them (lawsuit, courts, nothing, as bitcoins, etc, are not considered a financial instrument, yet).
So, be clever... if it sounds too good to be true, it probabily isn't true.
You will be better off learning how to trade your bitcoins, or even better, converting them into cash, and using a regulated investment company, with an office that you can visit and speak face to face, don't you think ?
Some years ago, your post will be something to take into consideration, but today with all the information accesible to many people, we can realise that having an office or sitting face to face means nothing. I still remember watching on TV the "massive destruction weapons" founded in IRAK by the USA, or the ENRON scandal.... More locally, in my country (sunny Spain) you can ask about BANKIA (one of the big scammers which some years before was the most reputable Bank in our country), or about our ancient minister Magdalena Alvarez who has helped to stole not hundred but millions of euros, that the rest of Spaniards have been paying via taxes.
The fact is that, today, Bankers and Investment firms, act like criminals in many cases. They lie, hide, persuade, and forget... about their promises and about their customers. These guys promise you 5% daily,,, which sounds too good to be true... but in Spain, bankers have made 80 years old people, sign contracts written in Arial 8 letter, with 50 pages of financial technical issues, that they will never understand neither read.... and afterwards, they steal their money... and their legal departmente begins to work..... Not too much difference among these kind of people...