Researches like this performed by a single person require that person to have both very high technical skills and practice in doing this in real life context (working for a law enforcing agency or at least as private investigator and be very good at it). But we have a problem here. Once you're a cop, technical self-education decreases in priority. Always. Just because cops and IT pros have very different ethics. And once you're a solo techie bounty hunter, you usually lack resources and connections to bust someone. Remember Shimomura? He had to go and sell himself to the cops to get access to their vast resources to catch Mitnick.
Looks to me like reddit slimed him just because he tagged the receiver of the donation as SM, which I would have done. But reddit, which jumps to wrong conclusions which are then skewed by up/downvotes, assumed that he was doxing the doxer, and therefore stupid.
I was satisfied with his results and contacted him for his services. Am awaiting a reply...