The original person has been replaced by [SM SCAMMER] to protect their identity until the allegations against them are proven
UPDATE 7th DECEMBERAll that Scammer is doing is looping his coins and collecting the trimmings. To anyone interested - this Scammer knows that his transactions are being tracked very easily. We need to look at the small number of coins that are shredded into separate accounts during each large transaction. These are the wallets Scammer will cash out with
I have many of the wallets of this scammer. See the bottom chain for an absolute match. This fucker will never cash out these large sums of coins, he will instead cash out those small shreddings found hiding in the large transactions and it is these that I am investigating.
I wont be posting the trimmings that I am following. I'm waiting for a cash out...
19icYLb7TBg8YzsZYjU2FTUUpqGwfgoM5L > 174psvzt77NgEC373xSZWm9gYXqz4sTJjn (BTC- E wallet- Dont think so --posibly inside job?)
19icYLb7TBg8YzsZYjU2FTUUpqGwfgoM5L > 174psvzt77NgEC373xSZWm9gYXqz4sTJjn (BTC- E wallet- Dont think so --posibly inside job?)
174psvzt77NgEC373xSZWm9gYXqz4sTJjn > 1L6mQKi4PTAvPhGzLSjAt5jn7MQ87AtB5n (scammer wallet) > 19mcR5KYQYZWZW2ug1GgasAjThbVtP31SQ (unconfirmed transactions)
174psvzt77NgEC373xSZWm9gYXqz4sTJjn > 1DvdYoW2fViRSEEEbxk9zwaYooCevSGzGe (scammer wallet) > 14bmzA2BQX2QvaU71GtBqbW5EB84GrqWiQ (uncomfirmed transactions) > 1qPVCRX7kivBkGRtn8Hw4YmoRttKB4dJE (new)
1NnGcAKXKpfKJhy99Y1NTU7bTjQ52G8ZB1 > 12AjMTDiTzFKHFJ74XbqjpKd5aruv7DAFv (scammer wallet) > 1NM3LguSVijfakXjZhJcZxoJqaMjJGxzNR > 1P7bib3t3TFzvPjTymUSapFFqRCT91jvbd > 17s8hydXp2Gt537NkQEooFPCNiNAGdK4WH > 185aZdDFdTZfcN8B77zewnozRxsuQNVBbr (tumbler) > 13T2M8qLkr7NNNx156Fv9y2ZuXJprxFzhg (tumbler/shared distribution) > 18qYGuoxareBanp4PocCWhVtizxSu2v7XA (tumbler/shared distribution) > 1P6sL5GihgzBzutoffxHFLzqCZuD77voAY > 1EFvw8zdc13F3SPxTvQ7Yf68Wpj7jcS76y > 1G2g9FNYzwUEQ8fStunoFgbJ4T8QpLAqXj > 12tXeb1Swr1AzedbjauewQpdB55gKcdqaw > 1L2z78NWER7T1NwWt1BkMtP7VgP7B8jtED > 15TgBk8Q5avjs1f6w2YCjNCE3Ex2mATso9 > 1HK5e4b1vwqqbGgp2TxZ2nRWCBgtjFKbs9 > 1KDuzh9aREGKpUNKivC3j6KGsmUjMDngrq > 1HdeqmtBAwKYGdy6yaNqZyPqvZBNReEf1B > 12wfdWrQcNEscaB6zxmoE1N4eTHMZ59c87 > 147XYVaK69NX4e2eNX23Hfd1JMkcSYpt72 > 17WWxKpB1JK27jWoDKAvhdqZsVfYZGNqZT > 19xgYCMdar9fHcsQiBmWtCF95a66rhu5Zm > 1ArgDAnc5omNo32rrRmrcKpjz9sYuPHGxZ > 1Ej37HucNPZZECUNpyvKsmAGk8xfDtUtrU
I have uncovered something very interesting during this dox. Please take the time to read.
My chosen dox is YaCoinYeah, requested by joesmoe2012 who lost 50,000usd to this scammer.
So where do we begin? Simple. We start with what we know.
YacoinYeah registered at these forums on May 11, 2013 and was last active August 07, 2013. He is most active at 7 and 12, presumably working or sleeping during 7-12.
It is hard to crack an anonymous identity from the perspective of only one account and so we must profile for similar accounts owned by that same person. We will start with another account, username; 'yacoin'. This is merely a presumption that 'YaCoinYeah' and 'yacoin' could in fact fact be pseudoanonyms but no conclusions are made. We must now profile 'yacoin'. He registered on May 12, 2013, one day after YaCoinYeah was created. His activity also correlates with the activity of 'YaCoinYeah' as does his egotistic, arrogant persona and his affection for PhenixCoin. I now presume 'YaCoinYeah' is 'yacoin'.
But there is another account that captures my attention, username; 'AlternativeCypt'. This account was registered on May 09, 2013 with a very similar activity and persona to 'YaCoinYeah' and 'yacoin'. He runs the same scam, has the same temperament and reacts the same way when confronted. 'AlternativeCypt' was last active on May 18, 2013, one day after yacoin was last active. These two accounts belong to the same person.
This leads me onto one final pseudoanonymous account which I believe to be directly linked to the previous. This account is 'Limitless'. 'Limitless' registered May 2, 2013 and has a very similar persona, activity and scam to the previous accounts. He also has the same username as a previous Sheep Marketplace scammer, a coincidence I originally thought but perhaps not. Limitless, AlternateCypt and yacoin all react in the exact same way when confronted. See all evidence at the end of article.
We have now successfully linked four accounts together, all simultaneously owned by the same party. This gives me a far greater spectrum for analysis.
We now begin our dox.
Joesmoe2012 was scammed by YaCoinYeah on June 05, 2013. 50 bitcoins were sent to the address, 1GbwpirkR5ex7kKWb14nHhtBkw2ZSMZcRn. These coins were swiftly tumbled and divided, I lack the motivation to track these as they are lost. But I do not need to track this particular wallet, I will instead track a second wallet, 1NqwQkEb57JWmZExB1cM7NRMzux2HhYGoq. This wallet was publicly issued by YaCoinYeah himself. A simple track of the bitcoin blockchain leads us to the wallet, 1BdA6Qyu9naBaUJVreyeckrXXvbxSNEuU6 > 1En3zR29cJnXGw1qFVkoQkDZvnp3Vj2m27. 1En3zR29cJnXGw1qFVkoQkDZvnp3Vj2m27 is one of the wallets owned by YaCoinYeah and plays an important role in this investigation.
One very important observation I made when first visiting this wallet was a donation of 0.000666 BTC by the wallet, 1AhYNAoMxDPD7bnNvxuSY9FB1CDviEuqzZ. This was more than a coincidence and it was a sign that the owner of 1En3zR29cJnXGw1qFVkoQkDZvnp3Vj2m27 already had a hit on them.
Tedious tracking of the blockchain and their nodes are then investigated. 1En3zR29cJnXGw1qFVkoQkDZvnp3Vj2m27 is a wallet under the circulation of the person who scammed the Sheep Marketplace
Recovering the location of a transaction through a relayed blockchain node is very unreliable, but it can still prove worthwhile. was a node that stood out as one third of all these transactions where made by YaCoinYeah. is a French IP and the time zone would correlate to YaCoinYeah's activity. It is very, very unlikely that this IP is in fact YaCoinYeah's real address as he uses The Onion Router for all of his transactions (my assumption).
Instead we track individual transactions that I assume hold the most merit. This is where I make another very interest ion discovery. Many of the wallets that YaCoinYeah sends his bitcoins to are the same wallets that are owned by the person who owned (and apparently scammed) the Sheep Marketplace. Over 49 of these wallets can be tracked while they are constantly washed, tumbled, split and moved into different wallets. What does this mean?
The person who scammed Sheep Marketplace is very likely the identity behind YaCoinYeah, yacoin, AlternativeCypt and Limitless. His activity directly relates to where he lives in the Czech Republic and his bitcointalk wallets all lead to those related in the Sheep Marketplace scam. I will be investigating his Limitless identity soon.
I will continue to work on this dox and hopefully have it completed when enough mistakes are made by [SM SCAMMER], and he will make mistakes.
I have released this dox incomplete and early as to allow anyone interested in helping track this individual to do so. I have not yet finalised all of these details but I am sure that over 90% of this is correct.
I will post all wallets that connect [SM SCAMMER] to his previous 1En3zR29cJnXGw1qFVkoQkDZvnp3Vj2m27 wallet soon. I need to fetch them back from my original computer. There are many wallets and transactions that connect these two identities together.
What I believe to be a current wallet of [SM SCAMMER], is enough open information to easily pursue [SM SCAMMER] from this point forward. My goal is to link his accounts with his identity beyond reasonable doubt.
Evidence [still have to add more]
YaCoinYeah (bitcointalk)
- Registered; May 11, 2013 Last Active; August 07, 2013 Active at 7 and 20;sa=statPanel- Scammed joesmoe2012 on June 05, 2013
- Wallet 1NqwQkEb57JWmZExB1cM7NRMzux2HhYGoq >>> 1En3zR29cJnXGw1qFVkoQkDZvnp3Vj2m27
- Wallet 16V7Br8ebmMEEuxrGQnV9KCKec3Z5ecCvB
- 1/3 of all transaction of this node;
- Personality - egotistic arrogent
- 16-25
- possibly narcissistic
- Has a job; different hours therefore part time (bitcointalk)
- Registered May 12, 2013 Last Active May 17, 2013 SCAMMER
- Logo initiates background of bitcointalk
- Active at 3 and 20;sa=statPanel- Mobile ******84
- email ba********
[email protected]AlternativeCypt (bitcointalk)
- Registered May 09, 2013 Last Active May 18, 2013 SCAMMER
- Logo initiates background of bitcointalk
- Active at 7 and 20;sa=statPanel- wallet YM5YX59HQBdEUBryHdu8rkyuHUE77AKi8R
- YAC wallet Y8TWBQ5FKSzpTiCmSvZX3KzQMfwTvBuSvB
Limitless (bitcointalk)
- Registered May 02, 2013 Last Active June 26, 2013 Active at 4 and 20;sa=statPanel- YAC wallet; YKmZSWKiqc9MPzmZ89SAwyXM4wSQqoQE3J SCAMMER
- Limitless = AlternateCypt = AlternateCypt Same scam
- Same writing style
- Same temperament
- Accounts created at some time
- Go offline at the same times
1NqwQkEb57JWmZExB1cM7NRMzux2HhYGoq was a wallet posted by YaCoinYeah. Follow 1NqwQkEb57JWmZExB1cM7NRMzux2HhYGoq > 1BdA6Qyu9naBaUJVreyeckrXXvbxSNEuU6 > 1En3zR29cJnXGw1qFVkoQkDZvnp3Vj2m27.
1En3zR29cJnXGw1qFVkoQkDZvnp3Vj2m27 is a wallet owned by the same person who scammed the Sheep Marketplace.
See 1En3zR29cJnXGw1qFVkoQkDZvnp3Vj2m27 > 19S3MBScmYW4Z7SChbaUahcAsM3vtg5APE
or 1En3zR29cJnXGw1qFVkoQkDZvnp3Vj2m27 > 1EYQzmkhL91EjPH3TjwHEkGuy7dckXxwBQ >1Ap1Wb4twZyhbHD5ZSr2HEYEiREqhgdWya > > 19icYLb7TBg8YzsZYjU2FTUUpqGwfgoM5L
There are many transactions from YaCoinYeah that share wallets of the Sheep Marketplace Scammer.
My wallet is 1Ki9v3U4WNu3GydGVB734pyJsSitbAFHht
Donations are always helpful