Wars last only a few months when limited money is used. When the government pumps out unlimited money wars go for years.
Poverty and income inequality is produced when inflated currencies are first given to the haves who then pass the inflation onto the have nots.
Or when deflationary currency's are hoarded by the rich making the cost of debts unbearable. Credit and debt are 2 sides of the same coin. Its the same thing seen from different prospective.
The dollar punishes currency savers and rewards currency borrowers
Bitcoin rewards currency savers and punishes borrowers
Inflation and deflation are both theft the only thing that changes is who is being robbed.
There's no perfect system.
Interest rates are built into fiat loans to try to make the deal more fair.
Negative interest rates could perhaps be used in bitcoin loans in the future in the same way.
No one's forcing anyone to take a loan or not take a loan.