He is not trolling. Why would someone troll for so long. They are delusional just like the dude from the flat earth thread, I thought he was a troll too but after you read his posts over and over you realize that he just has problems.
The only anonymous inter-webs characters I’ve ever seen use the Joe Cool smiley at the end of every post and never get upset when someone attacks them in a post are trolls.
Real people become angered when someone attacks them or their beliefs. Trolls don’t because that’s exactly the type of reaction they want to get from the real people so they smile and move on.
Could be but I think he is just too delusional and that's why he doesn't get mad. I believe his delusion is so strong that his brain just ignores good arguments and just keeps resetting.
I guess you could be right. That is, after all, how blind faith turns ‘live people’ into ‘dead people’.