First: thanks for your nice response.
Second: I am geting the image where the problem is. We have just different opinion on what is based on what, and from what I know you are missing something from history lessons.
Also you must be American (say if I am wrong ofc, but...)! Otherwise you couldn't say American law system is original ( based on UK system - precedential one - and Montesquieu's and many other thinkers works, he's just only one i can recall atm, as well as many other systems, nothing original beside that combination).
Americans basically just took everything good that was in that time and put it together and make a system. And since then everyone else is trying to be like US, making perfect "democracy" and so. Not because it was original, but good combination of previous attempts and/or thoughts. Besides that, US was really young, what experience you are talking about?
As you can see, in my point of view, i am going really deep, thus considering older entities as Romans, originators of modern democracy. Thats my opinion and I can clearly see you won't agree. Cuz I don't know proper(*) facts. heh
Third: I really don't know how you discover that i am toy! It was secret well kept till now!
But no joking, I am amazed how you can evaluate my character in just two posts about topic that is more about our history knowledge and opinions than me being toy
I didn't say i know everything, nor i can't change my opinion, but tell me, read our discussion and be honest: would you change your opinion being in my place? Your facts and posts you are presenting are far away from healthy and productive discussion but rather going on "American freedom" way of trash talking.
I really don't get what shouldn't i get?! I though't we'would be presenting facts, not fighting like teenagers in yo mamma fight...
* -
really? you know, saying thing like proper fact is bullshit, since there are only facts. This is making me feel you are the ignorant one here...
LOL i haven't heard this much kiddy bull masquerading as education in a long time. Most fools at least caught the message and managed to keep their mouth shut when their betters are talking them down.
You clearly have no idea how much experience was crammed into american history in a way that laughs at other culture's so called 'history'. Not to mention you haven't got a clue about what it really means to create a political system. Hint: it's not what you read off of books or emulated from others. The core foundation of such system has roots in collective experience of the people, and their manner towards such laws.
American experience is unique in scale, the idea, and environment in which it started and continues on. The fact that you think you can mouth off about 'originality' reeks of desperate denial that seeks the slimmest excuses to try and convince yourself how you need not feel so anxious about america - for some reason, many people seem to bitch until their throats are hoarse as if they are pricked in the sore spot when america comes around
You are going 'deep' through your own bull shit, but that's present day education
Try being original for once instead of playing some sad contrarian.