United Kingdom deserve to fall apart, because of their destructive and contraproductive influence on the EU.
An independent Scotland will be a part of the European Union.
Really? You have a statement from the EU to that effect?
The Yes Scotland group say that they will
negotiate their entry into the EU between the vote and actual independence, and that they
expect to be accepted. They might be wrong.
They would also have to join on 'standard' terms, without the various opt-outs that the UK has.
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/scottish-independence-eu-bid-extremely-difficult-says-jose-manuel-barroso-9131925.htmlIt would be "extremely difficult, if not impossible" for an independent Scotland to get the necessary approval from the member states for it to join the European Union (EU), the president of the European Commission has said.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/11071043/Independent-Scotland-could-not-keep-pound-and-join-EU.htmlScotland must choose between independence and keeping the pound if it wants to be part of the European Union, one of the bloc's top officials has warned.
In a blow to the Yes campaign, Olli Rehn, vice president of the European Parliament and former commissioner for economic and monetary affairs, said keeping the pound without consent from Westminster "would simply not be possible" because EU membership requires countries to have access to an independent central bank.
"As to the question whether 'sterlingisation' were compatible with EU membership, the answer is that this would simply not be possible since that would obviously imply a situation where the candidate country concerned would not have a monetary authority of its own and thus no necessary instruments of the EMU," he wrote.
Political problems ask for political solutions, and there will be plenty. An independent Scotland could not join the EU right away and that is normal. This is a process which takes time, and it's a well-known fact that to prevent Catalonia from standing up, Spain will do all it can to block Scotland from joining but there are other options.
Look at Norway or Switzerland. Those two are not in the EU, but they enjoy trade agreements with it. That's because besides the EU, there are the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the European Economic Area (EEA) which Scotland could join fast.
the choice between the pound or the euro is a tough one. Who to trust, Westminster or Brussels (actually, Frankfurt)?
How about the Scottish Pound, issued by the Central Bank of Scotland, and the cost/price of which is set via interest rates dictated by the very same bank. If the strength of the Scottish economy is all that the Yes campaign would have us believe, and the oil reserves forecasts are all correct etc, then Scotlands credit rating will be AAA and all will be well and good.
I'm not sure the world needs another currency, nor that Scotland would benefit from having its own. The one thing I know for sure is that it would not be easy to create one. And it would years, or more probably decades, before they could get an AAA rating. Like a new company starting business, bankers need time to trust it.