Progress by our engineering partners has been picking up fast and a quick update for the week's end is as follows:
Engineering Update
- ASIC design has been more optimized and frozen.
- ASIC Synthesis & Physical design is going on. Tape out target end of march.
- Provision for MBIST and boundary scan for DFT has been done.
- Architecture of Mining Board design has been finalized and design has been started.
- Sitara ARM AM335x Processor from TI for Host Board has been finalized and design has been initiated.
- Provision of power consumption & temperature on the LCD display has been incorporated.
Mechanical Update
- Eliminated switch from the enclosure. All the input and set up will be done through web pages just like a router.
- Enclosure material will be of Aluminium.
- Universal power supply has been identified for 5mh design.
- 5Mh box will be 1u but much smaller in size ( easy for transportation, likely half of 19 rack).
- Power figures as of now are looking good
o 5Mh<=70 watts
o 25Mh<=300 watts