Hey guys so much progress with your SHADOW SCREENSHOTS! LMAO u jokes u gonna drop your little market already or what
Werent you on here pumping 50 btc into this when I was telling you not to after reviewing the code?
A lot of good your alternative/incomplete, incompetent clone at the time; has done him/her.
sidhujag, arn't you the scrub who cant competently structure a git let alone commit anything of substance to one nor review it. (yes yes i've seen your commits on that silly github account of yours)
You have potential but its currently remedial and concurrent with what they teach people in year 12. I guess you don't even get what you pay for in a lot of cases these days.
Whatever your case may be; I don't blame you for feeling as though you matter more then my lack of grammar and punctuation does in this very post. Could be that you are not the full blockchain!?
Come at this project and throw one of your blunt shivs in the side of the devs, community and its code again. When you yourself are blameless, hell even semi competent... Something i don't believe you are... Yet... clearly, given the choices you are still making. Maybe then someone, somewhere on this globe will take you half seriously.
Until then, in my opinion, you join the ranks of the under 12; egotistical, clearly deluded and entitled muppets we all hope one day actually 180 and contribute to this space without the unjustified, inflated ego that just looks ridiculous to anyone over the first tax threshold
Why are you still subbed on this thread or commenting on this project? You cop the same response from everyone, everywhere every time!
A five minute look does not fly as a proper audit son; i don't care how you try justify your delusions. i just don't want to see you here anymore unless you have something of substance to say or contribute. I have lots of faith in you too!
Wow I like SDC tech etc but man is this community harsh. I've heard so many stories of trolls and what not and sure enough I looks at the last 3 pages and some longnshort guy is balling out people who actually want to use the coin and needed help. Damn. That is just not professional or classy. It's quite distasteful especially to anyone new looking into this coin for the 1st time.
Thankyou for your criticism, no matter how much of the point you completely missed because you couldn't get passed some swearwords and abuse used everyday in our media landscape.
I definitely lost myself for a moment, some of us are tired of this thread being used as a troubleshooting and trade chat etc, etc, etc vehicle. When its an announcement thread.
I encourage you to, this round, take a little extra time to check post histories on all regular and irregular posters. Namely mine; in this community.
Please try telling me again, after that, how unprofessional... Wait maybe try starting by telling me/everyone why anyone should care about that kind of market when there isn't one yet worth spending so much bloody time holding hands with in the wrong forum section, at this early, (potentially life changing, game changing, jizz inducing) stage of the game!?!?
Most of us with half a care about anything of substance will look past most things like that to get what we/they came for.
Have you heard or seen the sayings!? "Plenty more fish in the sea." And, "If you are not in the market for them; why waste energy catering for them etc etc." Thats not to discount your feelings about all this time wasting i did chastising someone who now is reminded of the proper, more effitient and appropiate vehicles to get what they need help with and all.
Sure paint an entire community and its project based on what one person says to someone, no matter how right or wrong they might be!? I guess you are representing the entire yobit exchange and its community of traders and board members based on that logic!?
Yeah, thanks for something to think about though and reflect on, but yeah, i encourage you to look past the snarky to see my point/s.
I have faith in you to be honest. i Believe once you drop some of the *coin, x11,
dynamic PoS
toys; you may find yourself with some extra time to actually execute what im encouraging you to get into the habit of doing. Winners don't wast time on what you are talking about they just want to not have to look through a book of pages to get a snapshot of a real project.
No one took Galileo seriously at some stage.
No one took Mendel seriously at some stage.
No one took Semmelweis seriously at some stage.
No one took Zweig seriously at some stage.
No one took Albert Einstein seriously at some stage.
No one took Steve seriously at some stage.
No one took Satoshi seriously at some stage.
So on and so forth
I also echo this quote.