Yeah i know we don't like price speculation in this thread but tonight is a bit different, i have been holding since almost the start and the price surge tonight has been exciting and all the developments happening we should be celebrating, big things happening right now, im not concerned about my fiat investment..i have faith SDC can be huge and this is just the start, imo anybody thinking of selling anytime soon is a bit stupid, and i would probably be one of the bigger holders and i have no intention of selling out any time in the next 12 months + and that is honest, yes im here for money i have a family, but this Dev team and community is a bit special and i believe in there vision, ignore the FUD tolerate the price speculation for a while and celebrate a great milestone in technology that is SDC.
I believe price speculation, unnecessarily opens up a whole can of worms and people really cannot refute criticism that comes with it. I believe it cheapens this thread and clutters it as i've seen it do to many in the past. People want to be able to sift through a thread and find specific things in it like Announcments. This is an announcement thread primarily. I know this is a controversial topic and some people think this project is in need of it (price speculation.) I don't, I don't believe we need it here, as i said, it just opens up all sorts of unnecessary criticism we just don't need in this thread!
A price speculation thread should be made and it should not be strewn in this one. Most projects need it because they rely on it to prop up their markets. People get desperate and think they need it as though its a "necessary evil" I argue that its not needed in this thread. I argue that it cheapens the project by allowing people to start yelling moon and unrealistic market values! It may not start out like this but it can get there very fast and its not a fun place to be. I believe Shadow does not want or need dumb money, it is going after a shy anonymous market and a mature trillion dollar shadow banking market one day (shadow banking is what has kept most economies alive! look it up) it has the potential to serve the shadow banking industry in the future. So i believe we should all act accordingly. I don't want Shadows market to become some manic volatile pos because people seem to think it needs stupid money to be relevant when it clearly has the tech, the quality and the future to help the world. You guys that disagree, thats fine, you can go after 100s and 1000s ill go after millions and billions.
Shadow is very different, it has the tech to sustain whatever price it may rise to. People in other projects spam 100's of pages of memes and price speculation "moon" comments because they have no tech to talk about. This thread may seem fairly quite now but its very early days. I believe if we just continue to keep it as clean as we can and bide our time it will one day be full of great resource and relevant announcements in the anon sector. A clean and good thread, easy to sift through is a projects asset! We just need to allow it to grow into that and keep a tight leash on the rubbish people want to bring to it from other failed projects. Because insanity defined is doing the same thing over and over expecting it to be different. I challenge you to consider it. just my 0.2 SDC