Anonymous isn't a group, a community or a business.
Anonymous is an idea, an ideology.
Only posers, lammers and scammers use anonymous idea to attract attention to your egos and even worse, to make money
3 observations:
1) its a good run-down of anon developments to date
2) the headline is misleading
3) it feels quite a lot like shadow propaganda (the whole Matrix thing + comic references + references to the Anonymous group)
personal feelings:
I encourage all anon development. It is incredibly hard (from what I gather). The chances of SDC rolling out a functional ZK wallet in November seem small. Comments?
Q. Is there a connection between SDC and Anonymous as implied in the article?
thanks in advance
Hit a few nerves? Thats cool, we all have our tools, thats what you should remember. And yes we are all anonymous its not a group you need to apply to become apart of.
You just are apart of it if you are fighting for anonymity as opposed to not trying to focus on it!
As for the article being propaganda; i encourage you to take a look at the definition of the word itself. If you didn't like some of the references in it thats cool. It is a controversial one but however much it is; its still framing the facts. Truth hurts and its expected that not everyone is comfortable with the facts laid out.. I don't think the headline is misleading at all. Fact is, zero knowledge and Shadow eclipses any projects work to date!
Remove your emotion and stay focused on the fight here. Its anonymity, please focus your cannons elsewhere and contribute as opposed to pick at immaterial, emotional hooks built into an article..
As for zk being released in November, well no one really knows. There is a roadmap because the community wanted it (remember its only a guide!) but if the devs had their way there wouldn't be one to begin with. Because fools come and start picking at it and pressuring them (using it as a a base of argument) because the fools are betting so much on it arriving at a certain time..Which is stupid, this inst tried and true development cycles here. Its cutting edge and people forget that because they're not here for the tech they are here to bet on it..
Not my problem if they don't come in November, i'm not betting on it like fools seem to and i wont be hurt if it doesn't ever come at all!
I'm here for the tech what are you here for? Because if we don't get behind tech advancement like this and support it but instead bash its every move to exist like so many fools are with their impatience and lack of respect and understanding for this industry. We will hand more rubbish onto our kids and fuck up any kind of hope they have at gaining back and keeping some of the freedoms they have! You are either against that or for it. All because of some fools wanting to bet on its price and upset because its taking so long so proceed to waste perfect forum space, time and energy on stupid questions, stupid issues and pointless, baseless accusations!
4 months!! To do what this project has done. It, by far, eclipses any project in cryptocurrency world to date! You cannot deny it!
Piss off now!