
Topic: Seeking a team to develop Bitcointalk 2.0 forums (apply within) - page 3. (Read 23491 times)

hero member
Activity: 924
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Activity: 1330
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Two things:

1. Definetly integrate with Bitmessage if possible.
2. Consider PHPBB as well (I have no idea how it compares but I've had good results in the past.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100

 -Cryptocoin or Bitcoin only???

I feel as though most cryptos would be discussed anyways, so why not have both. However I feel that in order to get traffic you will need to have a website name that relates specifically to bitcoin. People are more likely to google "bitcoin forum" than "cryptocurrency forum".

- Anonymous or Transparent?

You have two options here: with more transparency you have less possibility for scams (assuming that the scammers put their real information) but less people are likely to join. I think that maybe what would be best is that just to join you don't need any personal information on the site, but in order to go into the "lending" or similar forums where scamming is a possibility it is mandatory that you fill out basic profile information (name and email). Without this information you cannot post in those subforums.

what form of company is the forum?

Nonprofit, although you can have paid mods. You certainly shouldn't charge people to get in, and the majority of money should go towards bitcoin-related projects and improving the site.

what country should the forum be hosted in?

I don't think that it really matters. Whichever country hosts the fastest servers. I don't think that any government is going to take down a bitcoin forum.

The site should be modern

Agreed. Current is pretty ugly.

Better mobile platform support

Agreed, although I don't use mobile I'm sure a lot of people do.

Better social media support
     > Integrate with
        o - Bitmessage
        o - Facebook
        o - other?

This would be cool, but would most people use it? It might be a waste of resources.

Offers two factor authentication

This should be in place, but not mandatory.

Privacy Policy, Terms of use, and Moderation Policy

The problem is that these are almost never read. But it doesn't hurt to clearly define them.

deleting spam posts

The main spam posts I see are "+1" or "agreed". Maybe there could be a way to vote on whether a post is constructive or not, similar to reddit and other social media.

only one account per user (sock puppet ban)

Maybe you could restrict IPs to one account? But with Tor people could still make multiple. If a sockpuppet is discovered, it should be instantly banned and the original user should get a warning.

bans on users that are obvious scammers


I like the idea of a trust system as well, but feedback shouldn't be limited to people in your trust list. In fact, a trust list should not even exist. Anyone should be able to review anyone. If you perform a transaction with someone, you should fill out a quick feedback form which has their name and yours, whether it was positive or negative and how much you transacted or got scammed for. This should be posted under the user's name in threads. I think it should have two counts: one for negative and one for positive. This means that just because you are a "trusted" member of the community you can not get away with scams. Even one incident would permanently tarnish your trade feedback. Because of this, there should be a request to have the feedback looked at if it was falsified.

I think that there should be a seperate ticker for upvotes/downvotes on posts. This would allow people to tell whether or not someone is worth debating with, and in general would show their contribution to the community. Unlike trade feedback, this would be the sum, as it's more likely to be abused by people who just don't agree with what your posting. If you truly were a good contributor, you would stay positive.

Of course post count and activity should be shown, although I feel as though activity is kind of meaningless unless the equation for it is changed.

qualifications for perma-ban (what constitutes a ban?)

I think that permanent bans should be based on trade feedback. If you get 10+ transactions that are negative, and you don't appeal them, you should be banned forever.

A normal ban should based on the "reputation" (the aggregate of upvotes/downvotes I mentioned earlier). For example, if you get -10, you get a temporary ban explaining why you were banned which gives you time to rethink your method of posting.

Moderators: volunteer vs paid

Volunteer moderators would show more effort, as they have no reason to do their job right other than wanting to do it right. Maybe, however, their reputation would result in payment from the community fund.
how selected and removed

I think that anyone should be allowed to "run" for moderator (within reason, maybe 200+ posts and good rep?), and that mods should be voted on in a community poll, which could take place every month. No one, besides admins, would be permanent mods, although people could run (and win) as many times in a row as they want. Mods would run for subforum positions, with an additional "global moderator" poll. In order for a user to win the spot, they must have positive rep for the duration of the poll, they must receive the most votes, and they must receive at least a certain number of votes (I don't know how many people would vote, but maybe 100+ votes are necessary? Just throwing out a number).

The same thing could happen for removing moderators- obviously if a mod does not win their reelection, they were not too good of a mod. However, if a mod acts poorly early, there should be a seperate running poll (maybe every week) which has the current mods, and a vote on whether or not to remove them. For this, mods would have to be "nominated" to be removed. Note that this poll would be much more serious than simply losing re-election, as it implies that not only did a mod not do their job well, but they in fact did it poorly.

Invitation only? 

No. There should be no restrictions on who can join, but newbie jail is a good idea.

Those are my ideas. I don't know much about the technical aspect of a forum, but I hope that there's some way that these can be implemented, especially the reputation idea.
sr. member
Activity: 437
Merit: 250
Why would anyone in their right mind want a forum with MORE moderation. There is already far too much happening here. Users get their threads' titles changed. The start of "self-moderated" topics to make it even easier to scam. A default trust settings with theymos and all his buddies in it. You are right about this place going downhill but its from too much moderation. The trust scoring page was a good idea, but the default trust list ruins any integrity it could have. There should be virtually no moderation short of removing spam.
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
What doesn't kill you only makes you sicker!
attack ideas, not people


is lucky bit adding to this discussion or detracting?

I think Luckybit is adding to the discussion - his stance is far more businesscentric than mine. His opinion is valid and one that you should consider.

Obviously we have very different ideas about how things should work lol

I personally don't think a forum should be the social change Bitcoin needs because that way, the forum will fail as that's not what people go to a forum for but I could well be wrong and it might thrive (in my experience of people and business, I don't see that being the case).

You could go to the huge trouble of setting up a business oriented/gameified forum and find it doesn't work or you can go with your original goals of fixing what wasn't working here and seeing how that works out before doing another round of community research and asking if each feature to be added is wanted/needed by the community.

At least that way you can start to build a community, you won't alienate anyone and you'll have the option to add all the business features that Luckybit is looking for.
hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 501
attack ideas, not people


is lucky bit adding to this discussion or detracting?

hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 510

It addresses the problems of the current forum.

Also, what makes you think a newbie is going to build a community for you to profit from? Also why denominate things in Litecoin if the ultimate goal is to bring Bitcoin to the forefront of cryptocurrency usage?

Bitcoin would be fine. I have no problem with that. See
One of us has missunderstood badly. I hope it's not me.

The new forum isn't to replace Bitcointalk - it's an additional forum to promote competition between forums and to strengthen the ecosystem. It'll help each of the forums strive to be better or lose users to the other and that's a good thing for the community.
In that case if it's not going to be better by design then what is the point? One example of better by design would be to make it decentralized so it's DDOS proof. Bitcointalk was under constant attack by the price manipulator which helped to cause the price crash in April 2013.
You certainly won't be able to replace Bitcointalk with your current ideas. If anything I believe you'll put a great many people off it.
You know this because you're psychic? An idea which isn't tried or tested should be treated as an unknown. My idea is to build the better technology but I admit the result would be unknown just like with any new thing.
Bounties and incentives don't necessarily gameify a site. It's how those incentives make users behave. For instance, if you have 15 levels of 'experience', you're encouraging users to post as much as they can as soon as they can to reach the upper levels.
But it's already working. Bitcointalk already has incentives to encourage people to post to get out of the newbie section. I don't see why it's a mistake to encourage an active membership.
Perhaps I just don't understand your desire to turn the forum into a business. A business with equity at that.
Because I believe the Bitcoin community is a community of entrepreneurs and that entrepreneurship is the key to the success of Bitcoin as an experiment. Why have a new currency if you don't want to start a business to create jobs? No one is going to give you a job and millions of people are looking for a job right now so I would think the idea of starting your own business is why most people are attracted to a forum like this in the first place.
I also don't get why people wouldn't answer surveys without being paid if it's to improve the community. I get why they'd want paid if you were lining your pockets from the results/research.
Because people want to earn some Bitcoins. I don't see why it's all that complicated. What if you're from the developing world and someone offers a survey and you can earn a few bucks just by answering some questions? How else will people get Bitcoins honestly?

Also if I'm willing to pay for the research results with my Bitcoin stash or Litecoin stash then why shouldn't the forum allow me to do it? It's revenue for the forum and for the members and it's much better than advertising which tends to be totally annoying.
You don't think you've gone too far by the time you've paid to sign up, paid to get into VIP areas, bought into the forum with Litecoin shares, allocated shares for the new forum, etc?

Or do you see that as balanced?
I say we don't know what is balanced until we try stuff and analyze the results or we conduct a poll. I think we should try something, see how they respond and then decide.
I suspect with your suggestions, the site will never get popular unless you define popular as 200 very rich users funding the site costs and generating a profit for the 'owners'.
You have no understanding of how economics work. If the active membership are the only people who truly are involved with Bitcoin, are you saying only 200 members on Bitcointalk are (rich)? Because I don't see it. I don't see it like that on reddit where peopel tip each other either. I think anyone who has a Bitcoin wallet will have some Bitcoins in it eventually and if they do not then something is wrong with the community that forces people to purchase Bitcoins at an exchange.
You'll have fewer active users - your community will simply be smaller due to the barriers to entry you're imposing and also why will newbies feel inclined to help build your business?
Based on what? Until you test out certain ideas we don't know what the effects will be. When the first mining pool was set up I'm sure people thought it was a stupid idea to charge transaction fees, just let people donate to the pool. For some pools this might work, for other pools there is a fee, and both seem to have plenty of users. So I don't think people are afraid of fees just so long as the fees are very small and trivial. If it costs some mBTC it's not a big deal. If it costs some uBTC it's not a big deal.
Encouraging users to start spending is a difficult one but making the forum where they can learn about it chargeable just to be on, is not going to be the solution. The two objectives are independent of each other and in my mind, shouldn't be mixed together. You're tying an activity to a goal to try and achieve that goal.
The principles or goal would be to encourage active membership and to encourage use of Bitcoin as a currency. I'm not claiming that any specific idea is guaranteed to work but that any idea should be tried to see how well it can work. If you don't agree with the goal thats another matter.
Of course if the forum was 'better' than this one people would go but you define 'better' as 'run like a business' and I'm not sure everyone would agree with that.

You also define 'better technology' as 'gameified'. I would describe your 'better technology' as 'different' but not better. I'm sure you don't mean the database will allow a higher volume of transactions or that the motherboard uses a faster bus speed. That's what technology is in my mind.
By better I mean if you're going to do something then why not take advantage of the strengths of Bitcoin? Right now even Bitcointalk doesn't really seem designed for Bitcoin. It's just an ordinary forum populated by Bitcoin users. It can easily be DDOSed because it's centralized, it doesn't promote Bitcoin use as a currency and only promotes speculation. As a result we have a lot of rumors, speculation, and not enough people actually transferring Bitcoins around.
I feel that your problem will be everyone will run a mile when they see how much of a business the new forum will be. You'll never get to the size of Bitcointalk with all the fees, the shares being handed out (to whom? by whom?).
It probably wont get to the size of Bitcointalk but you never know. For certain types of discussions it will be much better. Bitcointalk is like a stadium and you can reach a large audience here but when you want to have deep technical discussion or discussion business then it's not so good.
You don't think $1 is easy access for a scammer? If you told a scammer that there's a forum full of pre-validated, high value assests that will cost you $1 dollar to access, you can bet they'll beat a path there.
It solves sockpuppets because every time the sockpuppet gets banned they must pay again. It prevents scammers because $1 might get them into the VIP section but if threads can be locked then they'll have to pay fees to get access to the locked threads as well. It's access control by rings.

What do you lose helping build a community?

Are you saying you'll only help if you're paid?
I lose time. Do you think people have unlimited time?
Volunteering is great but be realistic. While you volunteer who is going to pay your bills?
So you make it profitable and now you can spend all your time doing it, which makes you a lot more active right?
Facebook users don't see an immediate financial cost. They also don't see that Facebook is making money off of their accounts.

People will give up their civil liberties because they don't know better.
So because they don't see it happening then we can pretend like Facebook is free? Websites aren't ever operated for free though and Facebook is just clever and sneaky about how they get money.  To have a sustainable organization, you need to be able to profit through some mechanism and the same applies to the community. If mining is not profitable it will not be sustainable, and eventually it ceases.
Make the Bitcoin wallet signing one of the 'experience levels' sure, but make it as a barrier to entry and you'll lose a great deal of newbies.
It should be that to verify your account you need a wallet. I don't see why we should give the same treatment to people who are so new that they dont even have a wallet yet. Those people should be directed to a how-to guide on setting up a wallet. Otherwise we will be flooded with the same basic questions of how to get Bitcoins and how to setup a wallet.
What proportion of spammers don't have a Bitcoin wallet? Without that info, we're speculating as to whether your proposed solution would work against them.

I don't see a problem with making it a requirement later on once people can already participate.
The funny thing is I've stumbled upon some spammers who make an account here on this site with no intention of ever using Bitcoin for anything.
I might have an interest in stocks and shares but I wouldn't expect to have to deal my shareholdings on a forum. I might like tropical fish but for sure I'm not going to use them on a forum as currency.
But that is what Bitcoin allows us to do that we couldn't do before.  The best way to show what Bitcoin can do is to show what it can do.
I've not made that claim - you have. I simply have no interest in making money off the back of the community I'm trying to build, if for no other reason than a conflict of interest. If you don't see that conflict, you soon will once people begin to ask questions.

A community also makes money off the back of your labor. Everyone makes money off of each other in symbiosis. You want a sustainable community, so if it's going to last then everyone has to be able to make money somehow or once again how will people be fully committed if they have to work at McJob to pay their bills? The more you allow people to grow the economy within the community, the better it is for the community.

Perhaps this is where some of my confusion comes in. You use the meanings of things slightly differently to me. A spammer is anyone who posts junk and that can often be things like selling services (to make money) or just posting rubbish to troll etc.
Absolutely right. Spammers typically want to make money and by making it cost money to spam, you'll get less spam. Also if they need a Bitcoin address to spam then at least they'll have to know what Bitcoin is.
A lot of people here are here to make money - absolutely. I don't think anyone has a problem with that. The hoarding issue is a problem but you can't make people spend if they don't want to, otherwise you're as well using a fiat currency where if you don't spend, your value is inflated away.
The thing is, people do want to spend and just don't have a lot of options other than a new mining rig because that is all that gets advertised. This is why most of the money of miners is going into losing ventures like BFL. I would rather people diversify and have shares in stuff like forums, websites, exchanges, anything which can make them a long term profit rather than everyone trying to get ASICs and mine like they can do that forever. These people are almost guaranteed to lose money from mining and there isn't anywhere better for them to go because what else can they invest in?
Forums don't need to scale like Mt. Gox. They have raw power issues, a forum doesn't have the same resourcing issues. There's no way the new forum will have too many users - not for years. There's no point in over-engineering for a situation that'll never happen.
You never know. If a new forum is built (on the software design level) it should be designed to scale in such a way so that the forum is open source like many other forums and that any website or blog can adapt the technology .This way it does scale, but it's also a forum designed to take advantage of cryptocurrencies. Small machines forum is not designed for this. It's not designed for Bitcoin which is why when Bitcoin is DDOSed this site goes down. If the forum were designed for the kind of attacks it's going to face from malicious individuals, or designed to take advantage of the strengthens of the technology why not?

So let's find strengths and weaknesses and come up with some new ideas.
Do you have any solutions which take advantage of the strengths of Bitcoin?
Even with all the inactive/troll/sockpuppet accounts, we only have 135325 users here.
That is nearly 10% of the entire Bitcoin community. How many people have downloaded the Bitcoin client? 3,416,343 all time. Considering the fact that probably only 1 million are active users, and if we get rid of bots and assume 80,000-100,000 are active users here, then that is where I get 10%. If that scales up then yes a site like this could have millions of users and probably will.

I don't think people come to Bitcointalk for the content. I think they come here for the community.

I guess we'll need to agree to disagree.

50 minutes a day spent on replying to each other's posts lol

Anyway - good discussion  Grin

I think it is about content or why would we reply to each other? Also it's not just these discussions but the new alt coins which get released, the new apps, the new businesses started, the news from friedcat, that is what I mean by content.

Late to thread and I'm sure it has been said but the thing I dis-like most about this place is that user accounts can be sold.

Only reason I stayed once I found that out is because there aren't any other places to go. I looked.

It does mean I have very little trust in buying anything from anyone here because the account could have been sold and I would not know the person I looked up history of was no longer the person using that account.

Would a digital signature permanently linked to a Bitcoin/altcoin address work as a means of verification? When the account is sold it would not have the same digital signature or coin address but it would have the same alias so only the alias should be able to be sold. Would this work?
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
What doesn't kill you only makes you sicker!
Late to thread and I'm sure it has been said but the thing I dis-like most about this place is that user accounts can be sold.

Only reason I stayed once I found that out is because there aren't any other places to go. I looked.

It does mean I have very little trust in buying anything from anyone here because the account could have been sold and I would not know the person I looked up history of was no longer the person using that account.

Very hard to get around this problem but allowing them to be openly sold certainly can't help.
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
Late to thread and I'm sure it has been said but the thing I dis-like most about this place is that user accounts can be sold.

Only reason I stayed once I found that out is because there aren't any other places to go. I looked.

It does mean I have very little trust in buying anything from anyone here because the account could have been sold and I would not know the person I looked up history of was no longer the person using that account.
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
What doesn't kill you only makes you sicker!
Holy Moses! WALL OF TEXT!

hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
What doesn't kill you only makes you sicker!

If it's just going to be an exact clone of this forum then what is the point? We can all just stay here. If it's going to be something never done before then I'm in. My interpretation of the function of a forum is to build a community. The cryptocurrency community is primarily technologists who are trying to make money. And when I say make money I mean literally. Shouldn't a new forum contribute technologically and also bring people into the process of creation? We can talk, I'm fine with that but I think if Bitcoin or any of these cryptocurrencies reach their potential it will be because millions of people are involved in the economy. Right now we don't have enough involvement.

It addresses the problems of the current forum.

Also, what makes you think a newbie is going to build a community for you to profit from? Also why denominate things in Litecoin if the ultimate goal is to bring Bitcoin to the forefront of cryptocurrency usage?

In that case we want the same thing, I just think why not be more ambitious about it? If it's supposed to replace Bitcointalk it has to be ambitious because if its just an ordinary forum why would anyone bother? It has to be the best forum and have some technological innovation.

One of us has missunderstood badly. I hope it's not me.

The new forum isn't to replace Bitcointalk - it's an additional forum to promote competition between forums and to strengthen the ecosystem. It'll help each of the forums strive to be better or lose users to the other and that's a good thing for the community.

You certainly won't be able to replace Bitcointalk with your current ideas. If anything I believe you'll put a great many people off it.

Are you sure about that? Complex isn't the issue. Gamification on the other hand is bad why? This forum already is gamified. There are bounties everywhere, people working on projects, and doing all kinds of stuff. You could call it games, but people are being paid to play with virtual money and to mine alt-coins so those games make real money but lets be honest, it's still a game. Bitcoin is a virtual currency, Asicminer is a virtual company, the virtual stock exchange is a game that just happens to have real value.

Bounties and incentives don't necessarily gameify a site. It's how those incentives make users behave. For instance, if you have 15 levels of 'experience', you're encouraging users to post as much as they can as soon as they can to reach the upper levels.

A bounty in an advert to research something isn't gameification.

I agree the majority of any forum should be free to use. But do we want tipping? Yes. Do we want contests and tournaments? Yes. Do we want polls, or even paid polls?

I don't disagree with any of that.

We need that stuff to collect statistics so once again I say we need it and it can't always be free. People aren't going to take a survey for free, but if all you have to do is take a survey and earn Bitcoins because someone is willing to pay the forum for it then isn't that better than an advertisement? It's better for the forum and for the users right? And the same or perhaps much more money is generated which can circulate back to the forum members if for instance they own shares and receive dividends.

Perhaps I just don't understand your desire to turn the forum into a business. A business with equity at that.

I also don't get why people wouldn't answer surveys without being paid if it's to improve the community. I get why they'd want paid if you were lining your pockets from the results/research.

I do underatand the concern that the site could become too commercial. There has to be a balance. Perhaps this thread can allow us to find that balance.

You don't think you've gone too far by the time you've paid to sign up, paid to get into VIP areas, bought into the forum with Litecoin shares, allocated shares for the new forum, etc?

Or do you see that as balanced?

Donations and advertising are not sustainable though. When the site gets DDOSed or when it gets too popular what then?

I suspect with your suggestions, the site will never get popular unless you define popular as 200 very rich users funding the site costs and generating a profit for the 'owners'.

I disagree with that statement. I think active users matter more than just people who never post or never take part in anything. How do we encourage people to be active without providing incentives? We keep hearing no one wants to spend their Bitcoins, but we never encourage people to earn or spend. Why not create a culture?

You'll have fewer active users - your community will simply be smaller due to the barriers to entry you're imposing and also why will newbies feel inclined to help build your business?

I think if we can keep the spam in the newbie section then that is a good decision. I think there can be surveys, lotteries, tipping and other mechanisms to encourage people to actually apply their Bitcoins and get active. You know, actually make a wallet and actually start using the technology as a currency rather than just talking about how cool it is or how to buy some.

I think you've missed the point I'm making but if I haven't been able to explain it so far it's unlikely I'll be able to do it now.

Encouraging users to start spending is a difficult one but making the forum where they can learn about it chargeable just to be on, is not going to be the solution. The two objectives are independent of each other and in my mind, shouldn't be mixed together. You're tying an activity to a goal to try and achieve that goal.

I disagree. I think if the forum were better than this one then most of the active members from this community would go to the better technology.

Of course if the forum was 'better' than this one people would go but you define 'better' as 'run like a business' and I'm not sure everyone would agree with that.

You also define 'better technology' as 'gameified'. I would describe your 'better technology' as 'different' but not better. I'm sure you don't mean the database will allow a higher volume of transactions or that the motherboard uses a faster bus speed. That's what technology is in my mind.

That is why I think you need good technology. You want to get the active members first, because they are posting every day. I do understand you can't only have active members, so a newbie section which functions like the newbie section on Bitcointalk would be fine.

People don't go to a forum for the 'technology'. Also, are you defining an active member as 'non-newbie'?  Huh

And this is where I disagree. I think a new forum could generate a lot more than 1 Bitcoin a day. I think it all depends on the technological design of the forum. I think it also depends on the quality of the membership, the content, and how active the members are. You can encourage an active membership which creates quality content and easily generate 1 Bitcoin a day if you had the kind of membership size you see on Bitcointalk. But let's be honest, it's unlikely that would happen overnight even if the technology were better, I just think if you're going to invent another forum, why not actually invent something no other forum can do? Kind of like with alt-coins, if you're going to invent a new coin why not innovate?

I feel that your problem will be everyone will run a mile when they see how much of a business the new forum will be. You'll never get to the size of Bitcointalk with all the fees, the shares being handed out (to whom? by whom?).

I'm pretty sure they already know who the high value targets are. High value doesn't mean easily accessed.

You don't think $1 is easy access for a scammer? If you told a scammer that there's a forum full of pre-validated, high value assests that will cost you $1 dollar to access, you can bet they'll beat a path there.

The less fortunate? I'm not sure what you mean. The option seems to be keep the door open so scammers and spammers can pollute the forum, or lock the door and charge a fee for entry. I say we should have a public area and a VIP area which gives the best of both worlds. I don't think you can do it all open without someone trying to mess it up. I've seen threads get ruined on this forum by one person shitposting.

I don't think we disagree here - just where that line is drawn and how high it's drawn.

I'm doing it to make things better for myself and the community. There is no reason why I should lose to help the community when, if I can win helping the community win. Why not just adjust the incentives to encourage people to help each other? Devcoin is doing exactly that, and it seems to work at least to get people to accept bounties and fund projects.

What do you lose helping build a community?

Are you saying you'll only help if you're paid?

How do you know they'll go elsewhere? Those users sign up for Facebook and jump through way more hoops to do so. They sacrifice their privacy and civil liberties to be part of something cool or to try the cool new technology. I think these users will jump on the Bitcoin train when it becomes cool enough, but they wont know how to buy the coins, or how to use it, or what the coins are, and in my opinion the best way to teach is by making them use it. Actually make a wallet, and sign in with a wallet address, why not?

Facebook users don't see an immediate financial cost. They also don't see that Facebook is making money off of their accounts.

People will give up their civil liberties because they don't know better.

Make the Bitcoin wallet signing one of the 'experience levels' sure, but make it as a barrier to entry and you'll lose a great deal of newbies.

Tell me what demographic of newbie does not have a Bitcoin address and does not want try using Bitcoin as a currency? If you're not part of the blockchain as a miner and don't have a Bitcoin address?

I don't have that info.

What demographic does not have a Bitcoin wallet address? If they have at least that, then we know they at least cared enough about Bitcoin to do that. A lot of people making shitposts and spamming just sign up to do that and don't even care about Bitcoin enough to download a wallet or get an address. I've seen people literally make one or two posts about nothing and then start spamming.

What proportion of spammers don't have a Bitcoin wallet? Without that info, we're speculating as to whether your proposed solution would work against them.

I don't see a problem with making it a requirement later on once people can already participate.

Finance is about making money but it's also about community. This is a finance community where everyone here should want to make money. Why else are you playing with virtual money if you don't want to make money? The goal is to make the virtual money function like real money? So we have to actually use it.

I might have an interest in stocks and shares but I wouldn't expect to have to deal my shareholdings on a forum. I might like tropical fish but for sure I'm not going to use them on a forum as currency.

It's not a finance community - there are people here from all walks of life.

You're presenting a false dichotomy where someone has to either be fighting in their self interest or for their community as if they oppose each other.

I've not made that claim - you have. I simply have no interest in making money off the back of the community I'm trying to build, if for no other reason than a conflict of interest. If you don't see that conflict, you soon will once people begin to ask questions.

I think both problems are linked. People spam to make money correct?

Perhaps this is where some of my confusion comes in. You use the meanings of things slightly differently to me. A spammer is anyone who posts junk and that can often be things like selling services (to make money) or just posting rubbish to troll etc.

People are attracted to Bitcoins because that is a new money? The Bitcoin miner is in it to make money right? Whether you think of it in the literal sense of generating a new money, or the purely economic and self interest of making profit, the whole point of Bitcoin is to make, spend, and transfer value. I keep reading that everyone wants to hoard and no one wants to spend, but then I read from you that this is not a problem.

A lot of people here are here to make money - absolutely. I don't think anyone has a problem with that. The hoarding issue is a problem but you can't make people spend if they don't want to, otherwise you're as well using a fiat currency where if you don't spend, your value is inflated away.

I think the only reason it's not a problem is because there are only 1 million or so people who know what Bitcoin is. I'm saying these forums are not going to scale up just like Mt Gox couldn't scale up, and for the same reasons. These forums are not prepared for 10 million members, or 20 million members, and wouldn't know what to do with that many people, but the truth is, if properly designed the sky is the limit.

Forums don't need to scale like Mt. Gox. They have raw power issues, a forum doesn't have the same resourcing issues. There's no way the new forum will have too many users - not for years. There's no point in over-engineering for a situation that'll never happen.

Even with all the inactive/troll/sockpuppet accounts, we only have 135325 users here.

It's all about content. In my opinion the forums with the most active membership will create the best content, provide the most opportunities, and as a result attract the most new members. I think Bitcointalk is that forum right now. I think to get people away from Bitcointalk will be hard unless you attract the most active (VIP) members from Bitcointalk onto a new forum and then convince them to be active in the new forum.

I don't think people come to Bitcointalk for the content. I think they come here for the community.

I guess we'll need to agree to disagree.

50 minutes a day spent on replying to each other's posts lol

Anyway - good discussion  Grin
hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 510
How about this additional proposal, the forum should offer shares on

Shareholders could then sign in with their shareholder information and use their shares to vote on different features, or to get special privileges. This will encourage people to not only spend their Litecoins but to become investors in the community. When the site profits they profit, when the site is under attack their investment is under attack.

The shareholders should not have to see any ads ever. There should be a limited amount of shares released. This way the site can immediately fund itself in an IPO process and I'll go on record and say I'll buy shares if this happens.

Absolutely it can be left up to the OP but we're drifting from the original goals.

The new forum was never about making money, nor was it about providing a high quality paid for service. I'm not saying any of that's bad but that never appeared to be the intention.

If that's what you're trying to build that's fine but it's certainly not what I'm trying to help build. I'm not doing this to make money off the community but if that's what you're after that's ok too - I'll just stand down.
If it's just going to be an exact clone of this forum then what is the point? We can all just stay here. If it's going to be something never done before then I'm in. My interpretation of the function of a forum is to build a community. The cryptocurrency community is primarily technologists who are trying to make money. And when I say make money I mean literally. Shouldn't a new forum contribute technologically and also bring people into the process of creation? We can talk, I'm fine with that but I think if Bitcoin or any of these cryptocurrencies reach their potential it will be because millions of people are involved in the economy. Right now we don't have enough involvement.

I think you're confusing the properties of a currency with the properties of a forum.

I want the new forum to be the following:

All inclusive
Trolls banned
Scammers banned
New method of graduating newbies (still unresolved)
Fair environment where users feel they're not being ignored/disrespected
Areas which require higher levels of experience to reach (perhaps only 2 tiers so it doesn't turn into a game of volume posting)

In that case we want the same thing, I just think why not be more ambitious about it? If it's supposed to replace Bitcointalk it has to be ambitious because if its just an ordinary forum why would anyone bother? It has to be the best forum and have some technological innovation.

I don't think we're looking for an entirely new forum - there's little wrong with the existing one. What we don't want to do is create a forum too complex and 'gameified'.
Are you sure about that? Complex isn't the issue. Gamification on the other hand is bad why? This forum already is gamified. There are bounties everywhere, people working on projects, and doing all kinds of stuff. You could call it games, but people are being paid to play with virtual money and to mine alt-coins so those games make real money but lets be honest, it's still a game. Bitcoin is a virtual currency, Asicminer is a virtual company, the virtual stock exchange is a game that just happens to have real value.

Sure, there will be a few smaller paid areas (like for advertising or services) but on the whole, the place is free to use.
I agree the majority of any forum should be free to use. But do we want tipping? Yes. Do we want contests and tournaments? Yes. Do we want polls, or even paid polls? We need that stuff to collect statistics so once again I say we need it and it can't always be free. People aren't going to take a survey for free, but if all you have to do is take a survey and earn Bitcoins because someone is willing to pay the forum for it then isn't that better than an advertisement? It's better for the forum and for the users right? And the same or perhaps much more money is generated which can circulate back to the forum members if for instance they own shares and receive dividends.

I do underatand the concern that the site could become too commercial. There has to be a balance. Perhaps this thread can allow us to find that balance.
As for the running costs, Viceroy has already kindly offered to fund the place initially. I'm sure advertising and possibly donations would cover the rest.

Donations and advertising are not sustainable though. When the site gets DDOSed or when it gets too popular what then?

I hear what you're saying and it's a good point but I'm still against pay-to-play. Most services these days can't survive on that model - notice how almost all games on mobile phones have a free and a paid version? The free gets them in, which all the other forums are so they'll go there first.

Most services can't survive on that model because there was no such thing as micropayments until now. We don't even know what could work yet. And some services only survive on that model, look at Spotify which is more popular than you think. The only problem with Spotify is that it doesn't run on Bitcoins.

If you're looking to build a community of 200 users, you're going about it in the right direction.
I disagree with that statement. I think active users matter more than just people who never post or never take part in anything. How do we encourage people to be active without providing incentives? We keep hearing no one wants to spend their Bitcoins, but we never encourage people to earn or spend. Why not create a culture?

I don't get it. Did I not mention that $1 isn't going to keep spammers and scammers out? Looks like you agree too if you think they'll still spam the newbie section having paid their dollar but at the same time, you'll have excluded all the other newbies who thought they weren't going to pay a dollar for a community they've never heard of.
I think if we can keep the spam in the newbie section then that is a good decision. I think there can be surveys, lotteries, tipping and other mechanisms to encourage people to actually apply their Bitcoins and get active. You know, actually make a wallet and actually start using the technology as a currency rather than just talking about how cool it is or how to buy some.
The reason why you won't have scammers is because they'll see a small community and realise the return for their efforts isn't worthwhile - it definitely won't be because they can't afford a dollar.
I disagree. I think if the forum were better than this one then most of the active members from this community would go to the better technology. That is why I think you need good technology. You want to get the active members first, because they are posting every day. I do understand you can't only have active members, so a newbie section which functions like the newbie section on Bitcointalk would be fine.
Viceroy was looking for some community input for how it should work. I'm sure he's heard your opinion and he's heard mine on the matter by now.
I recognize my view is just one view. I don't expect every idea I offer to be implemented. But I do think the idea I offered to solve sockpuppets is the best solution offered. I do believe some of my ideas will have to be implemented because there is no better solution to the problem. If you can make the forum friendly to newbies, encouraging members to actually gain experience, encouraging an active membership. encouraging commitment, then I'm for that.  
Now you're confusing the new forum with the real world. The goal of the new forum isn't to rebuild society with Bitcoin as the basis. Originally it was because Viceroy was frustrated and felt persecuted by the current forum.
I agree. Maybe I was over ambitious.
I agree that everything on the forum should be Bitcoin denominated but I don't think the new forum will make more than a fraction of a dent in the Bitcoin economy. I'll be impressed if there's more volume than 1 Bitcoin a day.
And this is where I disagree. I think a new forum could generate a lot more than 1 Bitcoin a day. I think it all depends on the technological design of the forum. I think it also depends on the quality of the membership, the content, and how active the members are. You can encourage an active membership which creates quality content and easily generate 1 Bitcoin a day if you had the kind of membership size you see on Bitcointalk. But let's be honest, it's unlikely that would happen overnight even if the technology were better, I just think if you're going to invent another forum, why not actually invent something no other forum can do? Kind of like with alt-coins, if you're going to invent a new coin why not innovate?
Ah, how little you understand scammers. If anything this signals to a scammer - here are your high value targets. Sure, these high value targets will be significantly more wary of scammers but there will be scammers none the less. Money isn't a barrier to entry for successful scammers - I think I've said this about 5 times now so I won't mention it again.
I'm pretty sure they already know who the high value targets are. High value doesn't mean easily accessed.
I get you want to build a better community but excluding the less fortunate won't help with excluding scammers.
The less fortunate? I'm not sure what you mean. The option seems to be keep the door open so scammers and spammers can pollute the forum, or lock the door and charge a fee for entry. I say we should have a public area and a VIP area which gives the best of both worlds. I don't think you can do it all open without someone trying to mess it up. I've seen threads get ruined on this forum by one person shitposting.
Because we're a community and we help each other. I for one am not trying to make things better for me - I'm doing it for the community. If you're doing it for yourself and those already with Bitcoin then that's up to you but again, you can count me out.
I'm doing it to make things better for myself and the community. There is no reason why I should lose to help the community when, if I can win helping the community win. Why not just adjust the incentives to encourage people to help each other? Devcoin is doing exactly that, and it seems to work at least to get people to accept bounties and fund projects.
Sure, you might have eliminated all but the most harmless of scammers (which aren't the ones you need to worry about) and a large chunk of new users who decided to go elsewhere.
How do you know they'll go elsewhere? Those users sign up for Facebook and jump through way more hoops to do so. They sacrifice their privacy and civil liberties to be part of something cool or to try the cool new technology. I think these users will jump on the Bitcoin train when it becomes cool enough, but they wont know how to buy the coins, or how to use it, or what the coins are, and in my opinion the best way to teach is by making them use it. Actually make a wallet, and sign in with a wallet address, why not?

Tell me what demographic of newbie does not have a Bitcoin address and does not want try using Bitcoin as a currency? If you're not part of the blockchain as a miner and don't have a Bitcoin address?
My point was that people who aren't members will take one look and go elsewhere.
What demographic does not have a Bitcoin wallet address? If they have at least that, then we know they at least cared enough about Bitcoin to do that. A lot of people making shitposts and spamming just sign up to do that and don't even care about Bitcoin enough to download a wallet or get an address. I've seen people literally make one or two posts about nothing and then start spamming.
It's becoming quite clear to me that you're looking to make money out of this. I don't have a problem with that but it's not something I want to do off of the back of a community I'm trying to build up.
Finance is about making money but it's also about community. This is a finance community where everyone here should want to make money. Why else are you playing with virtual money if you don't want to make money? The goal is to make the virtual money function like real money? So we have to actually use it. You're presenting a false dichotomy where someone has to either be fighting in their self interest or for their community as if they oppose each other. The most rational position is enlightened self interest where you fight for yourself and your community. You should be able to make money, so should I, so should anyone in the community, and if the community fails we should lose money, but that is how it can work. At the end of the day everyone is connected by the success or failure of Bitcoin and the price volatility affects us all if we all have a stake in it. If someone doesn't care about that then I would be more suspicious of them.
There's a spam/troll/scammer issue on the current forum, not a lack of earnings problem nor a, I'm-more-privileged-than-other-people-so-I-should-have-better-treatment-problem.

I think both problems are linked. People spam to make money correct? People are attracted to Bitcoins because that is a new money? The Bitcoin miner is in it to make money right? Whether you think of it in the literal sense of generating a new money, or the purely economic and self interest of making profit, the whole point of Bitcoin is to make, spend, and transfer value. I keep reading that everyone wants to hoard and no one wants to spend, but then I read from you that this is not a problem.

I think the only reason it's not a problem is because there are only 1 million or so people who know what Bitcoin is. I'm saying these forums are not going to scale up just like Mt Gox couldn't scale up, and for the same reasons. These forums are not prepared for 10 million members, or 20 million members, and wouldn't know what to do with that many people, but the truth is, if properly designed the sky is the limit.

It's all about content. In my opinion the forums with the most active membership will create the best content, provide the most opportunities, and as a result attract the most new members. I think Bitcointalk is that forum right now. I think to get people away from Bitcointalk will be hard unless you attract the most active (VIP) members from Bitcointalk onto a new forum and then convince them to be active in the new forum.
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
What doesn't kill you only makes you sicker!
No I am not saying that at all.  But I do think a VIP section where people can go that don't want to deal with all the noise would be welcome.  I have no problem with a class system, unless people cannot change their class.  If it is a free choice class system that should be fine, no?

I have no problem with that as it's free choice.

Challenge ideas, not people.

Sounds like you've got your forum strapline Smiley
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
What doesn't kill you only makes you sicker!
It should be left up to whoever made the thread. If I make a thread and decide to make people pay to access it then I should get a percentage of the revenue and the forum should get a percentage allowing me and the forum to make money. This tread could be technical analysis, the launch of a new alt-coin or whatever. This would make it so that people will pay for access to the latest news on the topics they really want but it also would allow people to get paid for providing that service.

Absolutely it can be left up to the OP but we're drifting from the original goals.

The new forum was never about making money, nor was it about providing a high quality paid for service. I'm not saying any of that's bad but that never appeared to be the intention.

If that's what you're trying to build that's fine but it's certainly not what I'm trying to help build. I'm not doing this to make money off the community but if that's what you're after that's ok too - I'll just stand down.

You forget we are talking about money here and not charity. I thought Bitcoin was about people working to earn them and spend them? I thought Bitcoin is supposed to be a currency? When are we going to start treating it like a currency and using it like one?

Don't people pay for newspapers and magazine articles?

I think you're confusing the properties of a currency with the properties of a forum.

I want the new forum to be the following:

All inclusive
Trolls banned
Scammers banned
New method of graduating newbies (still unresolved)
Fair environment where users feel they're not being ignored/disrespected
Areas which require higher levels of experience to reach (perhaps only 2 tiers so it doesn't turn into a game of volume posting)

I don't think we're looking for an entirely new forum - there's little wrong with the existing one. What we don't want to do is create a forum too complex and 'gameified'.

Sure, there will be a few smaller paid areas (like for advertising or services) but on the whole, the place is free to use.

As for the running costs, Viceroy has already kindly offered to fund the place initially. I'm sure advertising and possibly donations would cover the rest.

What barrier for entry? The whole point of creating the barrier is to create an economy around the forum so that the market cap grows. How exactly will anyone be able to earn Bitcoins if no one ever thinks to try to earn them because the trend is trading USD for them or trying to mine them? Until we get out of that attitude of having to buy Bitcoins or mine Bitcoins it will never be a currency and remain nothing more than a speculator toy commodity. If it's not used on forums with hundreds of thousands of users then why have Bitcoin exist in the first place if it's politically incorrect even among so called supporters?

I hear what you're saying and it's a good point but I'm still against pay-to-play. Most services these days can't survive on that model - notice how almost all games on mobile phones have a free and a paid version? The free gets them in, which all the other forums are so they'll go there first.

If you're looking to build a community of 200 users, you're going about it in the right direction.

I say let the thread owner decide if it's a free thread or a fee based thread. Let the thread owner set the fee to the thread. This way you wont have any spammers in certain threads at all. In fact I'd say you probably wont have spammers on the forum except in the newbie section.

I don't get it. Did I not mention that $1 isn't going to keep spammers and scammers out? Looks like you agree too if you think they'll still spam the newbie section having paid their dollar but at the same time, you'll have excluded all the other newbies who thought they weren't going to pay a dollar for a community they've never heard of. The reason why you won't have scammers is because they'll see a small community and realise the return for their efforts isn't worthwhile - it definitely won't be because they can't afford a dollar.

Viceroy was looking for some community input for how it should work. I'm sure he's heard your opinion and he's heard mine on the matter by now.

Now you're onto politics. But what is the point of anyone working if we all have the exact same privileges in the end? And if you don't give people anything to work for why do they want to use Bitcoins? Isn't the idea to get people to use Bitcoins the way other currencies are used? So you gotta give people stuff to buy on the forum and stuff to earn even if to you it seems trivial. The forum can use fees to make money from all this in addition to ad revenue and forum users like yourself could make money from starting threads, making good posts, or doing the bounties on the job board.

Now you're confusing the new forum with the real world. The goal of the new forum isn't to rebuild society with Bitcoin as the basis. Originally it was because Viceroy was frustrated and felt persecuted by the current forum.

I agree that everything on the forum should be Bitcoin denominated but I don't think the new forum will make more than a fraction of a dent in the Bitcoin economy. I'll be impressed if there's more volume than 1 Bitcoin a day.

I don't see why we shouldn't encourage a culture where people want to earn Bitcoins and actually contribute to the community.

What makes you think we need to encourage this behaviour? It's already present in people. People don't care what currency their store of value is. We don't need to foster that feeling in people with propaganda.

Everything I suggest should be optional. It should be if me and others decide to create a VIP section and you wont pay the fee then you just can't access it. No trolls, no spam, no sockpuppets, no newbies, because we created the thread or that section and agreed by consensus to put a fee for access. Some people would greatly appreciate this feature enough to pay the fee.

Ah, how little you understand scammers. If anything this signals to a scammer - here are your high value targets. Sure, these high value targets will be significantly more wary of scammers but there will be scammers none the less. Money isn't a barrier to entry for successful scammers - I think I've said this about 5 times now so I won't mention it again.

Most people are newbies who don't really want to dig deep into Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency and they should be in the newbie section. Why should they be allowed to access sections where people have invested their life savings into Bitcoin, or who are working on projects, or who are legitimately trying to learn about technical analysis?

Because we were all newbies once. A lot of the original community here didn't spend a dime buying Bitcoins yet they'll have dozens of them. A lot of people don't have money from other countries.

I get you want to build a better community but excluding the less fortunate won't help with excluding scammers.

If you just want to chat about the weather or talk to other newbies that part of the forum should always be open. The VIP areas shouldn't be open. If you want to know the most valuable technical analysis report then perhaps you should pay to access it. Why expect good trading advice to be given to you for free or expect anything to be given to you at all? Doesn't that go against the whole point of Bitcoin?

Because we're a community and we help each other. I for one am not trying to make things better for me - I'm doing it for the community. If you're doing it for yourself and those already with Bitcoin then that's up to you but again, you can count me out.

Sure, you might have eliminated all but the most harmless of scammers (which aren't the ones you need to worry about) and a large chunk of new users who decided to go elsewhere.
New users will just stay on the newbie section just like new users are in the newbie section on this site. What is the difference? You earned your way out of the newbie section on this site did you not?

My point was that people who aren't members will take one look and go elsewhere.

It reduces noise. It removes the sockpuppets. It increases the quality of posts. It allows all users to make a profit from the forum. It allows for lotteries, bounties, access control, per click fees, pay per view, VIP accounts and privileges and more. Basically if you earn your way up then you wont be a newbie but if you want a free ride you won't get far.

It's becoming quite clear to me that you're looking to make money out of this. I don't have a problem with that but it's not something I want to do off of the back of a community I'm trying to build up.

Tell me why it's good to give everyone a free ride when we know that wont grow the economy for Bitcoin or altcoins? We can't all be miners expecting to just plug in an asic and generate unlimited coins. Some of us have to work on projects, start businesses, do the bounties and other kinds of work.  There are threads on this site where people are writing stories for Devcoins, there are people trading for all kinds of stuff, there are people starting projects or businesses and that is what Bitcoin is about. In my opinion it's not about people just talking about Bitcoin but never really trying to earn any and it's not all about speculation (buying and selling Bitcoins like it's a commodity).

So what I'm saying is the forum should be more about doing business and less about uninformed speculation, pump and dump, trolling and all that crap.

There's a reason why we have separate sub-forums for that kind of thing. If you're not interested in it, you don't have to read it.

There's a spam/troll/scammer issue on the current forum, not a lack of earnings problem nor a, I'm-more-privileged-than-other-people-so-I-should-have-better-treatment-problem.
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
What doesn't kill you only makes you sicker!
And on another note, I think replying 4 times in a row should be made against the rules (see above).  Should just consolidate it into one post.

Not sure that helps with anything.

Also it would mean someone like me who visits the forums twice a day would take about 45 minutes to reply to a busy thread.
hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 501
Wtf is happening here (bitcointalk, not this thread) with all these conspiracies and suspicion against everybody?

This is why I think we need a class system.  I'd like to hang out with people who respect one another while still providing a place for rude people to yell at one another.

Zach you are not getting the bigger picture.  It's not about the method, it's about restricting the noise.  Having a members only section where noobs cannot post (or perhaps even read) would provide a place where we could have quiet intelligent discussions.  This forum, open to all, does not allow for that.  It is impossible to have a meaningful conversation in a stadium full of people if everyone has a microphone.

Are we saying this forum is for the 'elite' of Bitcoin?

No I am not saying that at all.  But I do think a VIP section where people can go that don't want to deal with all the noise would be welcome.  I have no problem with a class system, unless people cannot change their class.  If it is a free choice class system that should be fine, no?

A reminder to one and all:

Please be civil.  Challenge ideas, not people.
hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 510
do you think there is any chance of using an off-the shelf software platform?  
I would say it is far, far more likely to have success with adding plugins/extensions to off-the-shelf software than to have new forum software programmed from scratch.  I haven't seen any features yet that would require programming from scratch, so why reinvent the wheel?

I think new software should be programmed from scratch. No off the shelf software is going to be designed with cryptocurrencies in mind. You could do micropayments and all that with off the shelf software but the level of control would be limited. What about escrow for instance? I don't think it's a big deal to code a forum from scratch so why not do that and make that design open source so other forums can easily integrate cryptocurrencies into them to build up the economic eco-system? If you're trying to build up market cap this is how you have to do it, you have to give people an excuse to earn and spend coins even if it's for stuff like accessing certain threads or parts of a forum or purchasing special features. This allows the programmers to actually get paid for adding these features in cryptocoins.

Like for instance you have VIP features and you let forum members purchase them. Or maybe make it so anyone can write a plugin and let people buy the ability to access those features and then give a percentage of the coins to whomever developed it. The wallet could even be built into the forum itself if it's build from scratch.

We all started at "Four legs good, two legs bad!"
Sort of like a two tier society where we can keep those who have and those who don't have, separated. An apartheid if you will. That way people who have Bitcoin can air their more valuable opinions.
It should be left up to whoever made the thread. If I make a thread and decide to make people pay to access it then I should get a percentage of the revenue and the forum should get a percentage allowing me and the forum to make money. This tread could be technical analysis, the launch of a new alt-coin or whatever. This would make it so that people will pay for access to the latest news on the topics they really want but it also would allow people to get paid for providing that service.

You forget we are talking about money here and not charity. I thought Bitcoin was about people working to earn them and spend them? I thought Bitcoin is supposed to be a currency? When are we going to start treating it like a currency and using it like one?

Don't people pay for newspapers and magazine articles?

The scammers that cause the most damage are the ones that are successful. I.e. the ones that already have Bitcoin or find it trivial to obtain some.

Your barrier to entry is going to hurt more people than it helps.
What barrier for entry? The whole point of creating the barrier is to create an economy around the forum so that the market cap grows. How exactly will anyone be able to earn Bitcoins if no one ever thinks to try to earn them because the trend is trading USD for them or trying to mine them? Until we get out of that attitude of having to buy Bitcoins or mine Bitcoins it will never be a currency and remain nothing more than a speculator toy commodity. If it's not used on forums with hundreds of thousands of users then why have Bitcoin exist in the first place if it's politically incorrect even among so called supporters?

I say let the thread owner decide if it's a free thread or a fee based thread. Let the thread owner set the fee to the thread. This way you wont have any spammers in certain threads at all. In fact I'd say you probably wont have spammers on the forum except in the newbie section.
Yes, the rabble should have their own section.
Now you're onto politics. But what is the point of anyone working if we all have the exact same privileges in the end? And if you don't give people anything to work for why do they want to use Bitcoins? Isn't the idea to get people to use Bitcoins the way other currencies are used? So you gotta give people stuff to buy on the forum and stuff to earn even if to you it seems trivial. The forum can use fees to make money from all this in addition to ad revenue and forum users like yourself could make money from starting threads, making good posts, or doing the bounties on the job board.

I don't see why we shouldn't encourage a culture where people want to earn Bitcoins and actually contribute to the community.
A 'VIP' section would be ok as it's optional.
Everything I suggest should be optional. It should be if me and others decide to create a VIP section and you wont pay the fee then you just can't access it. No trolls, no spam, no sockpuppets, no newbies, because we created the thread or that section and agreed by consensus to put a fee for access. Some people would greatly appreciate this feature enough to pay the fee.
You're going to make it annoying for genuine users and only make the cost to a scammer $1? Downloading of Pirate Bay or ripping a DVD is simple too but you'll find most home users buy DVDs and sit through the FBI warning and adverts time and time again. To a determined scammer/spammer your barrier to entry is too low. To an ordinary user, the barrier to entry is too high.

Most people are newbies who don't really want to dig deep into Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency and they should be in the newbie section. Why should they be allowed to access sections where people have invested their life savings into Bitcoin, or who are working on projects, or who are legitimately trying to learn about technical analysis?

If you just want to chat about the weather or talk to other newbies that part of the forum should always be open. The VIP areas shouldn't be open. If you want to know the most valuable technical analysis report then perhaps you should pay to access it. Why expect good trading advice to be given to you for free or expect anything to be given to you at all? Doesn't that go against the whole point of Bitcoin?

Sure, you might have eliminated all but the most harmless of scammers (which aren't the ones you need to worry about) and a large chunk of new users who decided to go elsewhere.
New users will just stay on the newbie section just like new users are in the newbie section on this site. What is the difference? You earned your way out of the newbie section on this site did you not?

You'll have a lot of issues like people currently do here where they want to participate in a discussion immediately but can't.

I don't have a problem with your suggestions - I just think it doesn't solve any problems. It just seems to exclude newbies and very low end scammers.

It reduces noise. It removes the sockpuppets. It increases the quality of posts. It allows all users to make a profit from the forum. It allows for lotteries, bounties, access control, per click fees, pay per view, VIP accounts and privileges and more. Basically if you earn your way up then you wont be a newbie but if you want a free ride you won't get far.

Tell me why it's good to give everyone a free ride when we know that wont grow the economy for Bitcoin or altcoins? We can't all be miners expecting to just plug in an asic and generate unlimited coins. Some of us have to work on projects, start businesses, do the bounties and other kinds of work.  There are threads on this site where people are writing stories for Devcoins, there are people trading for all kinds of stuff, there are people starting projects or businesses and that is what Bitcoin is about. In my opinion it's not about people just talking about Bitcoin but never really trying to earn any and it's not all about speculation (buying and selling Bitcoins like it's a commodity).

So what I'm saying is the forum should be more about doing business and less about uninformed speculation, pump and dump, trolling and all that crap.
hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 510
That is from reading all the posts if you high grade the users it will never succeed you need all the newbies because there the ones that will be the future of bitcoin

If bitcoin becomes mainstream you will be on the frontline setting an example to all the new people if you stick them all in a newbie section and make them pay to join they will not support bitcoin as they will see it as a dictatorship
The idea never said newbies shouldn't have access to some part of the forum. They should be restricted to the newbie part. How is that any different from Bitcointalk right now? Only my idea would take it to the next logical step and make people earn the right to progressively higher levels of access. Why should you get free access to something you don't really support or believe in enough to earn?  Also the site has to be paid for somehow so charging for access is just a logical way to do it while also growing the economy for everyone (including you). How do you think we will reach that $5000 a Bitcoin without doing stuff like this?

Who said anything about a dictatorship? When you take a bus or train you pay but no one says it's a dictatorship. But somehow you expect a free ride and for the forum to run itself. You want everything for free? That is not sustainable nor does it make sense when it's a money forum.

If free were sustainable there would be mining pools and exchanges which don't charge any fees but which work only on ad revenue. No one says the exchanges are a dictatorship, or the mining pools.  I say if we're a money forum and it's all about trade, exchange, and gaining experience with using Bitcoin then what better way to help people do that then to require them to do it in order to gain more access?
Activity: 966
Merit: 1004
Keep it real
I think using already made forum software is the way to go, something that's easy to make extensions/plugins for though.  As long as it can be changed easily enough then you'll be able to modify it how you want.

And on another note, I think replying 4 times in a row should be made against the rules (see above).  Should just consolidate it into one post.
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