I Own a Bitcoin ATM company and a lot of my customers click on litecoin when they really want to buy bitcoin, they scan their Bitcoin wallet and insert cash. The machine just sends Litecoin to bitcoin address and now the money is stuck. Is there a way to recover it? Can we share some video link with them that they can use to get their funds?
No they cannot. Best way to prevent this is just place a large disclaimer on your machines that Litecoin and Bitcoin isn't directly compatible with each other, thus sending bitcoins to a litecoin address and vice-versa would be a dumb thing to do since you're basically sending crypto to the void.
Also, owning a bitcoin ATM, you must know that litecoins can't be received in bitcoin addresses, so it's partly your fault.
It is floating in the air forever but there are users had tried to cancel the transaction process and that is by sending a litecoin itself with a small amount and that could possibly cancel the first transaction. However, I still do not know if it really works.
Double-spending only works if the transaction isn't confirmed yet and you can still create a new transaction with higher fees. However in this case, I don't think it will be possible since the transactions may have been confirmed already.
This clearly the cryptocurrency flaws. Can we do something abouy this by having a transaction canceled whe it is sending to a wrong crypto address or address that is not compatible to the sending address.
It'll be on the wallet provider's end to do such thing, not really cryptocurrencies per se, but it would be certainly a great addition for people who don't even bother double-checking what they're doing.