Could you make an andoid wallet which works locally on the phone as a light client that connects to your own web wallet? The idea is something akin to VNCviewer in which you would connect with your SSH keys to your node so you don't have to run the Blockchain and Stake and use resources on your phone. The problem I have with android wallets is that Staking and holding many different Blockchains uses up a lot of resources when it would be better to be able to connect remotely to your own hosted and secured node which holds the Blockchain and Stakes for you but to have the functions of use and the QT. If you were running POS on your phone then you could only Stake when connected when you want to be able to be connected, staking and synced all the time.
I had the same idea, but accomplishing this would require some major changes to how the code handles the blockchain database. Not sure if it is worth it as with modern sd cards, disk space is cheap.
Yes but it only allows you to host a small amount of different Coins on any one phone, if you had 5-6 different POS Coins on an android phone Staking, updating Blockchains and the average chain was 1 gb then that is 5-6 GB of space along with the resources required to constantly sync and run those wallets and that would drain your battery and resources very quickly. If you could connect to your own hosted wallet then you could host the chains there, or on several different nodes and the space, CPU requirements and Staking would be handled there with near 100% uptime so you could then connect to different nodes you control which may host 10-15 Blockchains each at $5 a month per node hosted, then you are only using and controlling your nodes from your android without consuming the resources and could manage 30-50 different Coins without any impact on usage.
I did some work last year where I connected through VNCviewer to a Linux node and would be perfect if using additional security of SSH keys and multilayer-security in order to connect. The only issue I had was being able to use it properly on a touchscreen since it's made for a desktop so was very cumbersome to use. If doing an android wallet traditionally, you need to constantly rebuild the wallet whenever doing updates, it would be better to more or less use the system by viewing it and manage updates through Linux which is the standard for building.