WWAN not accepting remote login
the eth1(WAN) setup fine, luci & SSH login fine.
I set additional Wifi(WWAN) & firewall(WAN/WWAN), the internet link is fine & hashing can confirm by pool. how ever I can not get login if only wifi is connected. both web page (luci) & ssh login did not have response from antminer.
anyone have idea?
I have no idea, but if it's any consolation, myself and others have run into similar behavior with the WWAN interface.
I've not been able to properly configure the WWAN's on any of my Antminers
Afraid I'm going to hose the network settings and not be able to get back into the device if I screw something up while troubleshooting
Seeing the same as you; not able to access config over WIFI, only via WAN.
I have a couple of the next batch of Antminers on order that I understand now have a factory reset button - I'll troubleshoot further once I have that safety net available.