To replicate it, just select safedice from the Site drop-down and hit "Log In". Does not matter if you use your real credentials or leave the fields blank. The same error occurs no matter what the inputs are.
I just logged in to safedice from my bot and I was able to log in and place a bet.
I know there's an issue. I don't know what it is and I actually don't have the time to investigate it at the moment. I will when I get a chance.
anyone can answer to my strange question - why im never seen "upswing" in longrun(even 5k rools) when luck is 100+%, but all time there is "downswings" ?
im never seen even 5k rools that my luck is something like +105% but, iv seen even 40k rolls that luck is 90%...(80% of deviation is std till 15-20k rolls and not so rare) why there is only downswings in longrun, not so long upswings?
Luck is calculated as (total luck) + (the luck of winning/losing your bet) / (total number of bets).
so if you're betting at 50% and you have
Result| | Bet Luck | | Total Luck | | Luck |
w | 200 | 200 | 200 |
L | 0 | 200 | 100 |
L | 0 | 200 | 66.6667 |
w | 200 | 400 | 100 |
w | 200 | 600 | 120 |
w | 200 | 800 | 133.333 |
Note that none of these calculations take your bet amount into account. So If you're reverse martingaling and you get a winning streak of 10 and lose the eleventh bet, you're luck is going to sky high but your profit is still negative.
with fixed one bet chances yes, but if im changin bet winning chance every single bet, this takes effect?!
iv give a sample:
iv betting to 0.99%(100x multiplie) get 500 red streak, in 501 im win, now im need to be ~20% luck, right?(because iv need to win 5x times in that 500bets with given percentage) and now after that im changes to 1.98% (50x) now i will win 4 times in row, and all will be fine? and luck 100% or calculation are made and taken from that now i need to win 9x on 1.98%(50 multiplie)
If you follow my table and calculations, you'll see that it caters to your issue. Here, I'll show you in a crappily formatted paste from excel.
Number Chance Result Bet Luck Total Luck Luck
1 90 w 111.1111111 111.1111111 111.1111111
2 80 w 125 236.1111111 118.0555556
3 70 w 142.8571429 378.968254 126.3227513
4 60 l 0 378.968254 94.74206349
5 50 l 0 378.968254 75.79365079
6 40 w 250 628.968254 104.8280423
7 30 l 0 628.968254 89.85260771
8 20 w 500 1128.968254 141.1210317
9 10 l 0 1128.968254 125.4409171
10 5 l 0 1128.968254 112.8968254
11 10 l 0 1128.968254 102.6334776
12 20 l 0 1128.968254 94.08068783
13 30 w 333.3333333 1462.301587 112.4847375
14 40 w 250 1712.301587 122.3072562
15 50 w 200 1912.301587 127.4867725
16 60 w 166.6666667 2078.968254 129.9355159
17 70 l 0 2078.968254 122.2922502
18 80 w 125 2203.968254 122.4426808
19 90 w 111.1111111 2315.079365 121.8462824
20 50 l 0 2315.079365 115.7539683