Halo agan-agan, kalau ngeliat dari sejarah posting ane:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/muenrico-1574226Pasti gak kelihatan kalo ane orang Indonesia. Nah kali ini ane akan berbagi pengalaman berharga ane posting-posting di forum global.
Tujuannya biar agan-agan yang ingin ikut diskusi pakai Bahasa Inggris bisa lebih mengerti sebelum posting.
#1 Bahasa Inggris Level ProfessionalKalo agan ingin ikut diskusi di forum global, minimal Bahasa Inggris agan adalah level professional. Jadi untuk orang-orang Indonesia yang ingin ikutan nimbrung harus memang ada niatan untuk berpikir serius, gak cuma pakai Google Translate. Jangan malu-maluin jadi orang Indonesia.
Jangan lupa install plugin Grammarly biar sedikit membantu.
#2 Jangan NgejunkKalo agan mengira forum ini selevel ama kask*s, ente salah besar gan. Ini forum yang serius, apalagi semakin masuk ke dalam sub-sub forum pembahasan akan semakin berat. Kalau agan ngotot ngejunk, misalnya cuma posting dua atau tiga kalimat yang tidak spesifik dalam membahas sesuatu, minimal agan akan dimaki, atau bakal kena ignore, dan yang lebih parah bisa kena ban.
Di awal, posting-posting ane cuma posting santai dan itu membuat ane banyak digoblok-goblokin gan. Akibat
#1 dan
#2Hard fork to 2mb blocks and risk Bitcoin to become the altcoin because you believe the Lightning Network, which is still beta, "is still unproven and so many different concepts make it even more doubtful".
That must be one of the most stupid posts I have read lately.
Tapi kalau serius bisa dapat merit:
One of the reasons that I agreed to add a Spanish language section to the Fit to Talk project, was to enable me to read some of the posts from the Spanish language board here. I gather that there are some really good threads and posts there, but I don't speak Spanish, so they are lost to me.
Obviously there is no problem if the original poster is bilingual, but what happens if a member translates and posts another member's posting. There is an obvious issue of plagiarism. What is the best way to avoid this accusation? My feeling is that the translator should state that it is a translation, and give credit to the creator of the post. He should also provide a link to the natural language post. Would this be an acceptable practice, or can somebody suggest a better option. Also, I believe that the translator should obtain the permission of the OP before using his work.
I appreciate that this suggestion could lead to a flood of low value translation posts, and I hope that anyone considering posting translations will be responsible, and only use exceptional posts for translation. Obviously if this concept is abused, it will be banned, and I think that will be a loss to all of us.
Based on my experience, if article wasn't stated as CC0 or public domain it has copyright nature so anyone must ask permission
before modify, copy, or translate. The problem is that sometimes "smart" translator will be able to rephrase the original article so that it become a brand new local article or may I say require peer review to really examine that article.
To overcome this issue some forum stated CC0 for all its contents, so anyone can use it freely.
Others stated CC-BY to indicate he/she must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. So, it depends on forum's license.
Anyway, this is a difficult issue and requires willingness of both party to cooperate, especially the translator one. The most viable one is to do peer review, in this case moderator can punish plagiarists.
Another consideration that I thought of after I had started this thread, is who should get the merit if the original post is really good. I believe that the originl ntive language poster should get the reward, but should the trnsltor get something for finding the post and translating it?
Usually both got reward (in publishing case) in term of royalty split. In some case, the translated one give better result, many books got famous overseas (meanwhile not so lucky in its home country).
Maybe it can be somewhat tuned into merit system.
#3 Pastikan Diskusi Sudah Selesai Sebelum Agan "Pergi"Maksudnya, diskusi kan tidak hanya satu kali posting di satu thread lalu pergi cari thread yang lain. Selalu periksa thread yang sudah agan kunjungi, siapa tau ada komentar pada pos agan.
#4 Untuk Anggota Pangkat Rendah, Tunjukkan Bahwa Agan Bukan SpammerKetika agan nimbrung pada suatu diskusi, umumnya agan langsung otomatis dianggap spam oleh anggota berpangkat tinggi. Ini karena saking banyaknya bounty hunter spammer dan bot-bot berkeliaran merusak forum ini. Ketika mereka kasar, ada baiknya perlakuan tersebut ditanggapi dengan kepala dingin, sehingga mereka tahu kita serius dalam berdiskusi.
#3 dan
Hard fork to 2mb blocks and risk Bitcoin to become the altcoin because you-1 believe the Lightning Network, which is still beta-2, "is still unproven and so many different concepts make it even more doubtful".
That must be one of the most stupid posts I have read lately.-3
Well, on above statement I'm just talking about past event. Just hypothetical, if there is bigger block-size, core dev could develop LN without "pressure" and fees would still be low.
1. I'm merely a scholar who learning about btc. It's not just my personal opinion.
2. Yes, beta means unproven
3. Thank you for your compliment
#5 Board Beginner & Help Sangat Baik Untuk Memulaihttps://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=39.0Di bagian ini banyak anggota senior yang berpatroli untuk membantu agan dalam mengatasi permasalahan agan, yang terkait bitcoin tentunya. Di sini juga banyak materi pembelajaran, dan ane pun banyak belajar dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan sesama newbie. Ane yang sudah sejak tahun lalu belajar tentang kripto pun masih sangat bodoh gan kalo di forum ini, jangan ngerasa pinter.
Sekian gan kisah dari petualangan ane.
Nanti akan ane update apabila ane berpetualang lagi.
mungkin agan ada lupa agan jelaskan,,yang pertama kali agan kita harus mempelajari bahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan,sebelum agan-agan berpetualang di forum global,,alangkah baik nya pelajari dilu bahasa ingris