The European Union is not participating
Which could indicate the EU leans in favor of global communism and is a strong ally of china.
Should the EU be involved in something that is happening on the other side of the world? How much would it cost to send military forces to one such military exercise?
What should not be forgotten is that it was the Chinese who saved the EU in the last recession with huge amounts of money by entering various companies in countries that were or still are among the most influential in the EU (UK, Germany, France).
How much of Europe does China own?The united states spearheads the majority of EU military operations in iraq, afghanistan and the middle east over the last 20 years. Those regions reside in the EU's backyard on the opposite side of the planet from the USA. I'm not certain if the united states and european union could be considered allies if americans are willing to travel to the other side of the planet to help the EU defend its interests. While the EU is unwilling to do the same to support US interests.
The EU's main driving focus has always been aggressive expansionism. To acquire as many nations under its border as possible. Why?
US TARP bailouts were issued to european banks, who then distributed funds as loans to flailing european governments. This trend of the US bailing out european banks, who then bailed out european governments through loans, continued for many years. It was the united states who saved the EU through bailouts, not china.
A war between the united states and china could already be rigged in china's favor
Its gotten to a point where america defeating china in a military conflict is no longer guaranteed.
I would not agree that China would risk a world war at this time or in the near future, because retaliation would be not only from the United States, but from all its allies - and China is not up to it, despite all its achievements and technological developments.
News sources have repeated over and over, thousands of times. Saying the united states "has no friends or allies with Donald Trump as President". The united states "lost" the support of the global community, and isolated itself, by raising tariffs on china. This is the common theme that has been repeated over the last 4 years. It could also be the reason only the USA, japan, india and australia are participating in the war game.
I agree china may not be up to the task and could economically implode the way the USSR did. Already we see power struggles between Xi Jinpeng and the communist party. Which could deteriorate into civil war or infighting which hurts their expansion efforts.
Lorence.xD , WW3 is something that has been successfully sold (in the yellow press) for more than 70 years - I've heard about it all my life and believe me that such a war is not in anyone's interest. I have personally experienced one war in my life, and I can tell you that it is hell on earth, and WW3 might be the end for humanity given the atomic/chemical/biological arsenal we possess today.
Shadow leaders of the world do not want World War III.
Its too large of a conflict and too difficult to control.
That doesn't rule out long term, human, suffering however. Unfortunately for us.